Zeo+villians x Blue ranger Reader

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( This is a request from BethClark756. And for this Reader takes Rocky's place since he resigned from being a ranger, but still help them out and their friend.)

You are the Blue Zeo ranger ever since you met the team and sometimes help them out, but Rocky passed down his position as ranger and gave you the job which you accepted. It was a big challenge for you to do, but you managed to deal with the responsibilities and willing to do whatever you can to help as the team likes you, but.... they might like you a little bit too much and their not the only ones interested in you. Their not that only one interested in you.

Ever since the team met you ever since they saved you from a monster that tried to attack you and you didn't know their identifies until you figure it out and kept their secret. They seem to trust you even more and saw how your skills were being impressed and a good member of the team, but they have been acting different. They would sometimes think about some ways on letting you stay with them longer and fell for it being a good friend.

It was only only the team, but it was the villian as well not all of them just a few that are very interested in you. Whenever you are fighting the minions off they seem to be focused on grabbing you and take you to the monster, but your team came through and saved you making the villians upset. It was strange for you and wondering why they want you.

Right now, You are at Erine's chilling out drinking your smoothie as you spotted your friends doing whatever they do, but Tanya and Adam was next to you chilling. They were talking to each other, but you didn't pay attention to them as you was spacing out about the last fight you had with the monster until you felt someone shaking you " Hey N/N!" " Oh T hey what's up?" You answered Tanya as her and Adam seem to be concerned about you " Are you okay? You spaced out for a moment?" " Oh .. I'm just worried about the last fight." " If it both you? You can tell us." Adam told you as you nod telling them that your fine.

Suddenly, Bulk and Skull came in ready to bully others like always since that's what they always do. " Well well well if it isn't the dork." Bulk said to you as they saw you as their first target making you annoyed while Adam and Tanya roll their eyes in annoyance of the two. " Leave them alone you two. Don't you have someone else to bother?" Tanya said while the two ignore her " Y/N here is a good target to pick on." He said as you straight up punch the two in the face and drop kick them. " You know it's not nice to pick on others especially me." You growled at them.

" Why you little." Bulk and Skull was about to grab you, but someone grabbed the back of the collar and flip them over. " Do we have a problem?" A voice said as it was Tommy looking down in disapproval" Stay away from them or would you like deal with me?" He asked making the two scurry away " You alright?" " You know I can protect myself." " Yeah, but seeing the two run away is better. Anyway you did good" He said making you snicker a bit from the compliment, but Adam and Tanya was a bit jealous of him. The watches started to beeping and you four went out to answer the message. It was Zordon told you that a monster appears attacking the city.

The team made it to the town and morph into their ranger forms as they spotted the monster and attack it, but the monster seems to be after you the most trying to grab you but the others tried to protect you. The monster blast the rangers away as the monster grabbed you and teleport you back to the villians base. " Noo Y/N!" The rangers called out for you, but it was too late for them to get you.

You ended up at the monster 's den seeing King Mondo along with Rita, Zedd, Rito, Goldar, and some of their minions. " Finally you got that horrible ranger take them to the cage until we find good use to them." King Mondo command as you got thrown in a cage as it took your morpher away so you won't call for help. " Great now what." You mumble while trying to figure out a way how to escape while hearing some of the villians discussion on what they should do to you like torture you so bad you die or make you evil, ect.


The monster trapped you in a orb as it wait for the rangers to arrive as they hand over the Zeo crystals or they can say goodbye to you forever. The Zeo rangers came in and trick the monster and last minute to save you and got your morpher back. The fight keeps going as both rangers and the monster was close to kill each other. A few hours later, they defeated the monster, but they have some cuts and bloodstained on their outfits, but you help them up since you're the least hurt from out of the group. " That was a tough fight" you said as they nod before demorph and head back to Ernie's.

" Hey have you guys heard anything from Bulk and Skull? I heard their at the hospital. Something or someone beat them badly. I think it was that monster." Erine said as you were a bit shock that their in the hospital even though their jerks they don't deserve it. " Yikes that's harsh." " Don't worry about it they'll be okay " Kat said as you nod not knowing their the ones who did it. They beat them down brutally and threatened to kill them if they never mentioned it was them making their terrified.

" You'll soon be mine."

I love you~(Yandere Power Rangers) One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن