Yandere Trip x Yellow time force ranger Reader

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( This is a a request from trip_person. And for this story Reader takes Katie's place)

It was difficult to keep up the time force ranger since your in the past making sure they don't let Ransik on the lose including Muatns and stuff has been happening a lot lately, but it's all good right now no worries. Until a alien boy takes a liking towards you.

Trip has been liking you for awhile ever since you joined the team with him along with Jen and Lucas before Wes comes in. He admires you a lot since you're the only one he can trust and most nicer to him as he was worried on his first day, but you were the one who helped him get over his fear and show him the proper training as he was inspired, but he might like you too much as he started to change differently.

He was always clingy towards you trying to get you attention, but he was too shy to admit his feelings as you highly doubt you notice sometimes. You didn't seem to mind him being like that since you thought he was to attached Lucas and Wes sometimes tease him about it as he pouting and ignoring the red and blue ranger.

Right now, you and the others are at the Clock Tower to see if there are any mutants wandering around, but luckily there was none for today as it was a day off today as the others are doing whatever till Trip comes next to you looking outside the window minding your business. " Hey Y/N wanna hangout today since it's the dayoff?" He said which you shrugged since you got nothing to do at the moment. " Sure I guess." You replied making him giddy with excitement as he held your hand and walked out the Clock Tower.

The two are you are spending the day together chatting with each other as you went to an ice cream parlor as you notice a guy was struggling to get his hat down from a tree as you went over there and help him get it back down. " Here you go sir" " Why thank you miss and must I say you look lovely today." he said with a small smile, but froze in shock and fear at the same time as you were confused " Um sir are you okay?" You asked confused not knowing Trip was right behind you glaring at the man as a dark green aura was over him and his eye looks red ' Get away from her or else" he mouth out the words.

The man ran off leaving you confused and turned around looking back at Trip who was finished eating his ice cream being normal.

" What's up with him?"

" I don't know just wasn't interested?"


" Ow! Y/N what gives!?" He said rubbing the back of his head whining.

" Stop scaring others idiot"

" Sorry "

"It's fine...you did good."

This left a smile on his face.

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