Yandere!Jayden x Reader

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( It was a request from NekoBlossom_YT)

It was strange for him to have feeling for you ever since he met you. At first he was cautious about meeting you since he didn't trust you at first, but later on he saw how you were nice to him and the others. He felt something like he wants to be with you...he wants you.

One day, you were walking around the city to get some fresh air, but for some reason you felt like someone is watching you so you just ignore it and kept walking until you bump into someone " Huh Y/N?" A familiar voice said as you looked up and gasp in excitement as you see your close friend " F/N!" You said while hugging him/her as the hugged you back. It's been awhile since you two seen each other. " How you been?" " I been doing good so far just been busy." You answered as the two of you walked together while catching up on some things.

Little did you know a certain red ranger was stalking you as he just glared at F/N since he doesn't like how close he/she are to you. He wants to spend time with him more not them...he wants to get rid of F/N.

Time skip by to nighttime

Both of you went your separate ways as you two made it back home safely as it was Jayden's que to strike as he was following F/N to his/her house. Once he/she made it in the house, he went through the window and seek into the living seeing F/N on the couch watching a movie about to text you. Jayden slowly went behind F/N, grabbed a knife, and tackle them covering his/her mouth as he stabbed him/her multiple times until they were dead " You'll never take my Y/N you filthy idiot." He mumbled while hiding the evidence while leaving the house.

He went over to your house knowing your alseep as he went to your house and snuck in. The red ranger went upstairs to your room as he gently opened your door seeing you asleep lucky you didn't hear him come in as he watches you with a small smile as he gently picked you up and left the house.

The next morning

You start to wake up yawning and was about to get up until you felt something is stopping you as you looked around the room which is not your bedroom it's a complete different room. There was also chains on your arms and started to get more confused. " Greetings Y/N" a voice said as you turned your head seeing Jayden with a small smile which makes you feel uncomfortable " Um Jayden what's going on? Where are we?" " Were just somewhere." He answered making you a bit scared as you back away a bit as he walked closer to you " Stay away from me!" You yelled which only left him to chuckle " Oh Y/N can't you see I'm only protecting you. I just want you to be mind forever and nobody isn't going to stop me from doing so." Jayden said while giving you a small kiss on the forehead as you started to have a shiver down your spine.

" Nobody will ruin our relationship."

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