Different change?

604 10 4

It was a dark outside, the city was quite, the lights are dimied and no monster was out of sight. It seems a calm peaceful relaxing night, but it was not good at all for a certain somebody.

There we're footsteps running down the street where a girl was run away in the town ignoring a voice behind her hoping that he'll go away, but the bad news is that he won't be going away soon until he has her. " Love please don't do this to me. I need you!" He yelled out while chasing her.

" Go away! I hate you!" She yelled at him while panting from the running hoping he won't catch her as she was almost home. She made it home as she ran the the door and locked it only for him to catch up and banging on the door. " Open the door love! Can we not do this please I'm sorry." He said while trying to open the door. " No leave me alone! You killed my friends how could you!" She yelled while backing up from the door.

It was a nightmare for her as she seen her friends get killed by him and couldn't move due to fear and ran away even if she tried to fight him back, but took her morpher. It was terrible as she jumped from him trying to get in the door so she hid somewhere just in case he tried to come in. It was knocked u till


The door was open as he broken in the house while looking over for the girl he loves while calling out for her. " Hey sweetheart I'm sorry for what I did, but I can't believe you tried to run away from me after what I did for you. Please hear me out." He said looking over the place.

The girl hid in the closet staying slient as she tried her best to restraint herself from crying hoping this nightmare will end and he'll go away sooner or later praying that things will be better tomorrow.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer to the closest as her heart drop hoping that he wouldn't find her as she gets scared till the footsteps are walking away and think left the house because the door was closed. It could be a trick,so she stayed in for a few minutes before opening the closet slowly and making sure that coast is clear seems he finally left.

She sigh in relief as she makes sure her house is alright and nothing was broken. " He's gone...I hope I need to lay down this is too much for me. I'll deal with it tomorrow." The girl said as she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water before going to bed as she did so a finish it . She was about to head to bed until she paused and froze in fear...he was here sitting on the kitchen counter watching her.

"Heya you miss me?" He asked which she was about to scream until he tackle her to the floor and cover her mouth which she tried to struggle out of his grip. " Why? Why would you leave me!? I did everything for you and yet you still talk to our low life of friends thinking about them? How pathetic." He said while spraying sleeping gas as she passed out.

The male smirk as he gently picked the sleeping girl up and left the the house.

" See I told you that I'll have you Shelby. And now we can be together forever." Tyler said while smiling softy before heading back home carrying her back home.

( Hey guys suprise huh? Well here it is just want to do something different. Will I do more of this? Yes if you want me to?)

I love you~(Yandere Power Rangers) One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن