Yandere! Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed rescue x Reader

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( This is a request from CyberLeona34)

You are the new [Insert ranger color] from the Lost Galaxy team and have been with them for awhile now as the team got along with you, but was pretty interested in you and might have a small crush on you. Later, you and the group heard about Trakeena is back and is trying to plan on whatever she has next, but also bump into the lightspeed rescue team and both of them agree to help each other... other than that it seems like the Lightspeed crew seems interested in you as well.

Right now, the others are busy discussing a plan on how to stop Trakeena you on the other hand though you heard something and decided to check it out without none of them noticing. You head out following the noise which seems to a couple of people seeing a collapsed building seeing two kids on top " Help them please!" The mother cry out as the building collapse m as making the two fall, so you secretly morph and rush in, jump, and catch the two landing on a bush luckily nobody was harmed.

The parents ran to their kids hugging them while thanking you for saving them which you nod telling them your welcome and left before going to a hiding spot to demorph and walked out. " Seems like you know what the right thing to do." A voice said making you jump turned around, but sighs in relief only just to see Carter and his team " Oh it's you guys. Just have to help someone in need." " We see and gotta say for a Galaxy ranger you knew what to do impressive." Carter said giving you a small head pat making you a bit flustered, but smile a little bit from the compliment.

They noticed it thinking that is cute making them smile a little bit " Yeah it was a nice job you did there helping those kids." Joel said as the other four nod. " Well thanks guys I appreciate it." " Hey we were wondering if this was over maybe we can show you around Marine Bay just to get to know you better? Kesley asked as you nod " Sure I would love that plus I get to explore a new place and to get to know a fellow ranger from s different place." You agreed making them smile as they got a chance with you.

" Y/N we been looking for you." You heard as you saw your galaxy team waving to them, but the Lightspeed team just seem to glare at them in annoyance since they interrupted their moment with you. " Hey N/N glad you're here...I see your with them. Anyway we have something to do let's go." Leo said grabbing your arm and was about to walk away, but Carter grabbed your arm glaring at Leo. " Excuse me we were just talking to them right now so can you leave and let us talk to them." Carter said.

" Their my teammate they have to come with us." Leo said getting annoyed with Carter pulling you closer to him, but Carter doesn't let you go. " um... guys?" You tried talking to them, but they don't seem to listen. " You know it's not nice to take our teammate away from their crew? I mean we are the Galaxy rangers we did deal with a lot of stuff." Kai said " And there you go being wrong we delt with a lot more than you guys did." Chad adding on making Kai growl at him. You started to get uncomfortable seeing both teams death glare at each other as you didn't know what to say thinking if you do it's going to get worst " Hey guys how about we-" " Oh you think you're teams better? Y/N is with us and we know them longer than you and we're the chosen wons." Damion said as Joel scoffs" Well we did much more than you did."

The two teams started to bicker with each other " Can you let Y/N go? Their clearly with us so we do want to waste our time with someone who dressed like peppermint candy suits." Kendrix said trying to grab Y/N , but Dana stopped her " Well at least we don't look like gift wrappers also didn't you die and someone took your place? Yeah doesn't really look good on you" Dana asks making the Galaxy team gasp and you and Kendrix are shocked that she said that. " You did not just say that didn't your brother get taken by a demon and turned evil?" Maya blurted out as Dana wants to punch her so bad." Zip it jungle girl did your home planet got invaded and destroy? Well you were unless." Kesley said glared making Maya took back.

" She really just say that look just give Y/N back already?" Mike said " Didn't you jump off a cliff thinking everyone thought you died?" Ryan said making Mike grabbed him by the collar " Stfu and you better watch what you say demon hunter." He threatened " Can I say something?" " NO!" The rangers yelled at you making you shut up immediately out of fear not feeling like fighting back with them as you like both teams, but the bickering start to get worst almost leading to a nasty brawl" Everyone stop! And both of you let go of me!" You yelled making them stop as you got out of both red rangers grip and started to yell at them and probably cursing them out of how they act as you left them. " Y/N wait!" Both squads tried to call out for you, but you ignore them.

Suddenly, a monster appears infront of you as you were about to fight it until it grabbed you, blast the rangers, and teleport you to a base were Trakeena and Queen Banshee was as the monster put you inna cage and takes your morpher. Meanwhile, " Y/N is gone we got the find them fast!" " Isn't your fault because you would let them go? " I know you ain't taking when it's your fault!" The rangers started to bicker again while having a small brawl against each other( almost ended their lives btw), but stop for a short time since they both worry about you and decided to deal with this later and focus on saving you.

Timeskip by when both teams defeated the monster and save you.

" Thanks for saving me." " No problem just glad that your okay." Kesley said giving you a hug as you did so as the team join in for a group hug. " Your not fighting?" " Nope we we didn't know what came over us and we apologize for scaring you." Mike said making you nod forgiving them and went back to base with Galaxy waving Lightspeed team goodbye, but before they save you Galaxy and Lightspeed have a small conversation about liking you,so they decided to share you since they kinda have feelings for you without you knowing. It was unexpected, but it was the only way for them to get closer to you as they do so leaving you unaware.

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