Yandere! Javi x Reader

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You are Amelia's sibling as you went over to her job as you saw her talking to a couple of friends as she introduce you to her friends as they greet you especially a certain musician as he was taken a interest in you.

Right now, your helping your grandpa with something as you started to get an uneasy feeling like someone is watching you and started to space out for a moment until grandpa was yelling your name as you snap out of thoughts. " Huh what?" " Y/N are you okay you seem to be spacing out. Is everything alright?" Pop pop asked as you nod " Um... yeah I'm fine just thinking about something." " You know you can tell me if something's wrong right?" " I'm okay pop pop I'll be fine." You told him as he nods since he got worried for a second, but understands and went back to help him.


Amelia told you that the others are spending the at the base since their doing a project their doing as you were invited since you know she's a power ranger along with the others. You two made it there having a good time as you were talking to Javi which he enjoys your conversation with him as he shows you some music lyrics he's working on as you like it as you went over to talk to Zayto and Ollie making him frown slightly while looking away in jealously. You notice Izzy looking worry about her brother as you asked her what's wrong as she told you that she has a bad feeling and was worried about her brother as you said that it will be okay. When night cane around, everyone went to bed except for you as you tried going to sleep, but couldn't.

" Can't sleep...." You mumble until you heard footsteps thinking it's someone or Solon walking around until...BAM. You jointed up in a panic as you saw Javi with the project thet was destroyed. " What the? Javi what are you doing?" You asked the black ranger, but he didn't respond or even look at you as he left the base " Hey where are you going?" You called out for him, but no response as he keeps walking away. Now you have two options either waking the others up or go out there by yourself. You...

( waking up the others)

It was dark enough as you really don't feel like going out there by yourself as you wake the others. " Guys wake up! Javi broke the project and left the base!" You said seeing your sleepy friends " Huh what why?" " I don't know, but I'm worried about him" " It's not like him to do this... okay go get a torch from the workbench I'll be up in a minute." Amelia said still tried. " I'm going with you to find him " Izzy said " Me too." Zayto adds along. " ...Me and Aiyon will stay here in case he comes back." Oillie said triedly as Aiyon was knocked out sleeping, but I'm pretty sure he hear us.

You did what they said as you grabbed the touch from the workbench and goes to the door where you see the three holding torches. " Let's go " Zayto said as you four head out while calling out Javi 's name or try to contact him, but no luck. The four of you split up in different ways to make sure you find him faster. It was very dark out as you have no clue where he is as you didn't find nothing about him till you decide to go to the lake probably find Zayto and the others are. You made it to the lake as you see someone as you spotted Javi with his back turned.

" Javi what are you doing?" You asked him as he didn't respond as you looked to the left and started to scream seeing Zayto and Amelia dead on the ground " What happen to Zayto and Amelia!?" You cried out as Javi turned around seeing him covered in blood holding his sword. " You finally came Y/N I been waiting for you." " Javi what's going on why did you kill my friend and sister! Where's Izzy?" " Because I want to do this for you they'll just get in the way. Izzy... let's just say she won't help you." He said while holding Izzy's morphing watch with a small hint of blood on it.

" Your a monster!" You said while running away as Javi watches you run away as he chuckled and ran after you. " You belong to me Y/N so stop running away from me and admit you love me!" You yelled for you as you ran back to base trying to find Oillie and Aiyon, but as soon as you walk in you scream seeing Oillie and Aiyon lifeless corpse as Oillie was decapitated and Ayion look like his stomach was slash and stabbed. You felt sick wanting to throw up so bad as you tried to find Solon, but she wasn't around as you ran heading back home. You were almost there until Javi caught up to you as he grabbed you by the neck and pinned you to the tree as you tried to struggle free.

" Let me go you psycho! I don't love you you killed my sister and friends and you killed your own sister. I hate you! Let me go!" You yelled at him making him more pissed at you " Wrong answer" that was the last thing he said before making you unconscious as he picked you up and takes you to his place.

( If you went by yourself)

There was no time to wake the others since you didn't want to interrupt their nap as you started to grab a torch and left the base thinking it will be quick. You check around the forest calling for his name, but no response and it was pretty dark outside as you tried not to get scared. It was tiring to walk around as you decide to go to the lake to see if he's there and make you way to the like while thinking about why would Javi leave the base. You made it to the lake and spotted him. " Javi?" " Hm?...oh hey Y/N" the black ranger said as you went next to him.

" So why are you here and destroy the project?" " Well I just came out here to get some air colleting my thoughts. I didn't mean to destroy the project it was by accident." He explain making you not in understanding as both of you talked for a bit before going back to base, but he held your hand as you don't mind and head back to base.

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