Part 28

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Part 28

Neil looked at the father daughter duo shocked. "Mini, you got married, my one and only daughter is married now and I don't even know" asked Ashok hurt. 

"Why do you expect such things? You told us before getting married to Meeta?" Mini asked back angrily. 

"Mini, please listen to me once. I am a changed man now. Give me a chance to explain. Please trust me" pleaded Ashok. 

"Trust you, so that you can trample it again under your shoes." Said Mini as she laughed in sarcasm. 

"Mini, I was dying to meet you all these years but didn't have courage to come face to face. Please talk to me. Don't hate me. Don't push me away like this." Ashok pleaded again this time with tears in his eyes. 

Mini looked away. She hated this man to the core but seeing him after so many years that too like this.....pleading and crying....something happened to her....She felt uncomfortable but she didn't want to give in to the weak moment so she decided to leave. 

"I can never forget what you did to me and my babes and can never forgive you for that" said Mini and left from there. Ashok kept calling his daughter but she didn't even look back. 

Neil was still standing there watching them. He saw Mini was leaving and he followed her when Ashok's voice stopped him. "Hey listen, sorry I didn't get your name" asked Ashok. 

"Neil....Neil Oberoi" replied Neil.

"Neil...listen, we don't know each other but I saw few moments ago how you tried to protect her. You care for her I can see that." Said Ashok as he tried to come to the point. 

"What do you want to say Mr. Khurana?" asked Neil confused. 

"Neil, Mini is angry from me but I know somewhere she still loves me. She will never listen to me so please you make her understand. Convince her to give me only one chance to explain myself." Pleaded Ashok. 

"What are you saying? How can I come between you two? Please sort this out at your own." Said Neil clearly as he didn't want to take sides in this father daughter feud. 

"Neil, please try to understand. I am still there in her heart...though in form of hatred....but I am still there. I know she will never be at peace without giving a closure to this. Like me, she is also suffering. Please for her, convince her to talk to me, just for once." Ashok tried to explain. 

Neil was at loss of words for some time. Before he could say anything further Ashok wrote his number on the paper napkin and gave it him.

 "This is my number. Please give me call when she is ready to talk to me." Said Ashok and left the place.

Neil came back to the hotel room. Mini had already reached there and was crying while standing in front of mirror. Her hair looked disheveled. She was removing her hairpins carelessly and throwing them on the floor as she continued to cry. Her makeup all smeared across her face due to tears. She looked broken. Neil couldn't behold the sight before him and rushed towards her. He turned her around. 

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