Part 26

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Part 26

Neil was trying to adjust himself on sofa. He was tossing and turning but couldn't find comfortable position to sleep. And to add to his discomfort there were mosquitoes biting him every now and then. Finally giving up he stood up started pacing here and there. He couldn't believe Mini could throw him out of the room just because he didn't sign some stupid papers. She was not talking to him since then. They had their dinner silently with Mini shooting daggers at him whenever their eyes met. Even Arya found out that they had a fight by the way Mini was behaving with him. Little kid so cutely tried to make them friends again but Mini was adamant to fight with him. She had not allowed him to enter the room even to take a blanket and pillow. 

"How could she do that to him and why just because he cared for her?" thought Neil.

 He was about to lie down again when he saw Arya coming out of her room with her teddy bear. "Neil, what are you doing here. Is Veer Balika still angry with you?" asked Arya. 

"Forget about me, what are you doing here little darling? Its late night you should go and sleep in your room." Answered Neil as he bent down on his knees to her level. 

"What about you? Where will you sleep? Did Veer Balika gave you punishment to sleep on sofa" asked Arya again while yawning. 

"Yes your Veer Balika is punishing me without any fault. But you don't worry about me, I will adjust on sofa. I would have gone to guest room but there is no pillow or blanket there." Explained Neil. 

"Then you come with me, in my room. Till Veer Balika and you become friends again you can sleep with me and my teddy bear."Arya offered to help him. 

"Arya don't worry about me, you go to sleep. You have your school tomorrow right?" Neil said and picking her in his arms he went to her room and placed her on the bed. He tucked her inside the blanket.

 He was about to leave the room when Arya held his hand, "Neil, are you afraid of Veer Balika? That she will scold you if she found out that you were not sleeping on sofa as per her punishment?" Arya again asked innocently.

 Neil gasped at her then defended himself, "I am not afraid of your Veer Balika"

 "Then you can sleep here." Said Arya as she shifted to make space for him. 

"Ya, that's what I am going to do because I am not afraid of anyone." Said Neil as he lied down on bed.

In the morning Mini woke up. She was having a headache. She couldn't sleep whole night. Their fight from last night kept playing in her mind and she kept tossing and turning on bed. She missed Neil terribly last night. She couldn't believe it was her room, her bed since forever but after their marriage she was so habituated to hold him during her sleep that it felt something incomplete when he was not there last night. 

"Just because of his stubbornness. Why he had to prove his superiority? Why he couldn't sign the undertaking?" thought Mini angrily. 

She went downstairs to see if Neil also had sleepless night on sofa. She wished even he should also have a throbbing headache. She didn't find him on the sofa. She checked every room and at the last went to Arya's room. Mini entered the room and found Neil sprawled diagonally on Arya's bed as the bed was small for his height and Arya literally lying on top of his chest hugging him like a baby. For once she forgot how angry she was and looked at both of them. How cute they both looked sleeping like that. They were her whole world. Arya, her sweet little innocent baby sister and Neil, without whom her life is incomplete. The man she loves more than her life. 

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