Chapter 16 - Before the Storm

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Marina awoke with a start, the thin pre-dawn light filtering through the porthole casting eerie shadows across her cabin. She could still feel the echoes of her dreams, filled with swirling water and haunting melodies. Shaking off the remnants of sleep, she dressed quickly and made her way up to the deck, her mind already racing with the day's tasks.

The air was crisp and the sea calm, a serene contrast to the storm brewing in her heart. She spotted Sam on the far side of the deck, speaking with Mr. Harrison. Marina took a deep breath and approached them, her steps purposeful.

"Good morning, Mr. Harrison," she greeted, her voice steady. "I hope you don't mind, but I have a rather urgent request."

Mr. Harrison turned to her, his weathered face unreadable. "Morning, Marina. What's this about?"

Marina exchanged a glance with Sam, drawing strength from his silent support. "Sam and I need to take the ship out for a short journey. There's something important we need to do, and it has to be done at sea."

Mr. Harrison raised an eyebrow, his skepticism clear. "And what exactly is so important we are in the middle of something very important as I'm sure you're aware."

Marina hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "It's actually related to the pearl. We've discovered that there's a crucial ritual that must be performed during a rare celestial event, which is happening tomorrow night. This ritual could be the key to unlocking the pearl's power safely and preventing a great disaster."

Mr. Harrison frowned, "How do you intend to unlock the pearl's power when we don't even have it?"

Marina stepped closer, her resolve shining through her eyes. She pulled out her necklace from under her top, revealing the pearl pulsating as if it held the power of thousands of Sea Singers within.

Mr. Harrison gasped. "How long have you had this pearl?"

"Since we visited the Hidden Cove. I doubt any of you would have found it, and even if you had, you wouldn't have been able to open it. It requires a Sea Singer," Marina replied.

Mr. Harrison turned to rush down to Captain Roberts. "Captain Roberts must be alerted!"

Sam quickly intercepted him, a note of panic in his voice. "You can't. He doesn't trust Marina and would likely forbid her from performing the ritual if he finds out she's had the pearl all this time."

Mr. Harrison's expression hardened. "It needs to be destroyed."

"No," Marina said firmly. "There's no need to destroy it. As I said, there's a ritual we can perform to control its power."

"You're messing with forces you don't understand, Marina," Mr. Harrison said.

"And you do, Mr. Harrison?" Marina countered. "I can protect the sea and the entire realm from a possible grave disaster. Sam and I are going to the library to gather the supplies we need for the ritual. I just need your word that you won't tell Captain Roberts and that you'll let us take the ship."

Mr. Harrison looked between Marina and Sam, his brow furrowed with concern. After a moment of tense silence, he exhaled deeply and nodded. "Alright, you have my word. But I'll be coming with you. If this ritual goes wrong, someone needs to be there to set things right."

Marina's heart swelled with relief. "Thank you, Mr. Harrison. Your help will make a huge difference."

The three of them quickly prepared for their departure, gathering what supplies they could from the ship and ensuring they had everything needed for the ritual. As the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, they set out towards the library, their urgency palpable.

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