Chapter 6 - Songs & Storms

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"Sam, you mentioned about sea singers, what exactly are they?" Marina questions as they make their way to The Salty Mermaid to meet the rest of the sailor crew.

Sam glanced at Marina, a flicker of hesitation in his eyes before he responded. "Sea singers, Marina, are said to be individuals blessed - or cursed, depending on who you ask—with the ability to communicate with the sea through song. They're part of an old, almost forgotten lore. Legends say these singers could calm storms, guide sea creatures, and even manipulate the tides to their will. Some think of them as guardians of the sea, while others fear their power as something unnatural."

"Are there... Are there still sea singers around?" Marina asked, her tone wavered between inquisitive and slightly anxious.

"Some say a few remain, hidden or living among us disguised as normal folk. But it's rare to hear about them these days. Most of what we know comes from old tales passed down through generations," Sam explained, while Marina leads him through the bustling streets towards the local tavern known for its gathering of sea veterans and adventurers.

Reaching The Salty Mermaid, the creaking sign swaying in the gentle sea breeze, Sam pushed open the heavy wooden door. The inside was dimly lit, with a low hum of multiple conversations filling the air.

As they made their way through the crowd, Marina felt dozens of eyes on her. There was an unspoken recognition, a sense of knowing, as if her actions at sea had already woven her into the fabric of local legend.

"Marina are you okay!?" Uncle John pushes through a couple of people standing around staring at Sam and Marina. "Captain Elias saw you early this morning at the harbour, he then saw you go off in the direction of the forbidden waters."

As Uncle John approached, his weathered face etched with concern, Marina's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't anticipated her uncle's arrival so soon, nor his knowledge of her morning excursion.

"I'm alright, Uncle John," Marina replied, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and apprehension. "Just had some questions that needed answering."

Uncle John's gaze shifted from Marina to Sam, his expression unreadable. "And who might this be?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he scrutinised Sam.

Marina stepped in quickly, sensing the tension rising. "This is Sam, he's been helping me navigate the waters today," she explained, hoping to diffuse any suspicion. "We met earlier at the harbour."

Uncle John's demeanor softened as he extended a hand to Sam. "Ah, a fellow sailor then. Pleasure to meet you, Sam," he said with a nod. "But forgive me for saying, Marina, venturing into those forbidden waters is dangerous business. You know that as well as anyone."

Marina nodded solemnly, her earlier encounter with the storm still fresh in her mind. "I know, Uncle. But there's something out there, something I need to understand," she said, her voice firm with determination.

Uncle John sighed, his concern evident in the lines etched on his face. "Well, just promise me you'll be careful, Marina. The sea can be unforgiving, especially to those who seek its secrets."

"I promise, Uncle," Marina replied, her gaze steady. "I'll tread carefully."
With that, Uncle John gave her a nod of approval before disappearing back into the crowd, leaving Marina and Sam to navigate the sea of faces in the tavern looking out for Sam's crew.

Captain Roberts' eyes sparkled with amusement as he took in their presence. His weathered face softened into a grin as he gestured for them to join him at the table.

"Ah, Sam & mysterious girl who left before I could catch your name, good of you to join us," Captain Roberts said his voice with a rumble of warmth and camaraderie. "We were just sharing tales of the sea, now we are wondering what adventures you two might have found yourselves in."

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