Chapter 5 - The Call of the Currents

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That night, Marina dreamt of dark waters swirling around her, whispering secrets in a language she felt she almost understood. She awoke with a start, her heart pounding, convinced that the answers she sought were calling to her from beneath the sea.

Marina sat up in bed, the remnants of her dream still clinging to her mind like mist. She knew she couldn't ignore the call of the sea any longer. With a sense of purpose that bordered on urgency, she set out at first light, determined to uncover the truth hidden behind the waves.

As Marina made her way to the harbour, a sense of anticipation coursed through her veins, mingled with a touch of apprehension. The village was just beginning to stir awake, but Marina's mind was already consumed by thoughts of the deep blue expanse stretching out before her.

As she reached the water's edge, the salty tang of the sea air enveloped her, invigorating her senses. The boats bobbed gently in the morning tide, their masts swaying rhythmically as if beckoning her to join them on their journey. Marina felt a kinship with these vessels, their longing for adventure mirroring her own.

With a steady resolve, Marina boarded a small fishing boat, its weathered planks familiar beneath her feet. The sea welcomed her presence, its rhythmic lullaby soothing her restless soul.

"Miss?" Before Marina could set off she turns to face a man, dressed in blue and white stripes, his brow furrowed with concern. "You're heading out alone?" He asked, his voice tinged with caution.

Marina nodded her eyes fixed on the horizon. "I just need to know more." She explained, her voice firm yet tinged with the undercurrent of her dream-induced urgency.

"Wait... I know you." The mysterious man replied. "You're the girl who spoke to my Captain yesterday, we never got your name."

Marinas eyebrows furrowed as she tried to place his face among the sea of familiar faces she encountered the day before. His features were sharp, with a rugged handsomeness that suggested he was no stranger to the outdoors, yet there was a youthful brightness in his eyes that hinted at his spirited nature.

"I'm Marina." She replied stretching her hand in greeting. "And you are?"

The man's expression softened and the youthful brightness in his eyes was replaced with a friendly glow. He clasped her hand firmly in his own grip. "Call me Sam," he said his voice rough yet friendly. "I'm a seaman aboard the Legacy. Captain Roberts would never admit this but you left quite an impression on him, when you left he said there was a look about you that reminded him of the sea itself."

Marinas cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the captains observation, but she couldn't deny the truth of his words. The sea had always held a special place in her heart.

"That's a high compliment." She responded, her voice filled with a mix of humility and pride. "The sea is apart of who I am."

Sam nodded. "That's not uncommon among those who've spent their lives around these waters. The sea speaks to us all, though only few listen as keenly as you seem to."

Encouraged by Sam's understanding, Marina felt a renewed sense of purpose. She gestured towards the horizon, where the morning light danced on the cresting waves. "I just need to know what I saw out there, it's keeping me up at night"

Sam's gaze followed her hand, squinting against the brightening sky. "Then let's not waste daylight. The sea waits for no one." He stepped on the fishing boat joining Marina, making sure to take a step back allowing her to take place at the helm. "I can help you navigate to deeper waters."

As they set sail, the boat cutting smoothly through the water, Marina felt a connection to the ocean like never before. The rhythmic rocking of the boat and the salty breeze seemed in perfect harmony with her own heartbeat. They passed the outer buoys marking the safety of the harbour, venturing into the open sea, where waters grew darker and more mysterious.

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