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"Yuma, you've been really quiet, are you okay?" Maki asked, stuffing his face with the food.

Yuma didn't reply. He kept on poking at his food, his mind thinking about what happened with K.

"He's probably upset because he got in trouble with the teacher," Haruto joked, drinking a big glass of orange juice.

Maki laughed at the boy's remark, but Yuma stayed silent. He kept on thinking about the encounter with his senior. Did that really happen? Yuma felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around. His eyes widened at the person who stood behind him.

"Yuma... I need to talk to you..." Riku said, avoiding eye contact with the boy.

Before Yuma could even reply, Maki stood up, using his arm to block Yuma away from the other boy.

"What do you want, Riku?" Maki asked in place of Yuma.

"Listen, I just need to talk to Yuma... In private," Riku replied, his eyes avoiding Maki's.

"And why can't you talk to Yuma in public?" Maki challenged, staring daggers into the boy.

Yuma stood up, gently pushing Maki's arm away.

"It's fine, Maki. I'll just talk to him," Yuma said.

Maki protested, but ended up letting his friend go with the boy that betrayed him. As they began to walk, Yuma limped, and let out small grunts of pain.

"Here, let me help you," Riku said, grabbing onto Yuma's shoulder.

Yuma pushed the boy away.

"I'm fine. I don't need your help." Yuma replied, bluntly.

Riku backed away, afraid that Yuma would say something about him if he were to insist on helping him. Once they reached the back of the cabins, Yuma sighed.

"What did you need to talk about?"

"Right, well, I wanted to apologise," Riku began.

"I shouldn't have left you in that hole, and should've helped you straight away, and-"

"Should have, would have, could have. Do you have anything else to say?" Yuma asked, crossing his arms.

"I-I'm trying to apologise... Can't you tell how genuine I'm being-?"

"Genuine my ass, we're done here." Yuma said, beginning to leave.

Suddenly, Yuma was grabbed by the arm and pushed against the cabin wall. Riku trapped Yuma between his arms, pinning him against the wall.

"Listen here, the teacher is forcing me to apologise to you. You better accept my apology, or I can do something more than twisting your ankle," Riku threatened, towering over Yuma.

Yuma's heart dropped. He felt his legs wanting to give way, and his mouth trembled. Riku smirked at the vulnerable boy.

"You know, you look really cute like this, I should do this more often. It's nice to see a different side to you, class president Yuma," Riku stroked Yuma's hair, making the boy flinch.

Riku leaned down, his face inches away from Yuma's.

"So, are you going to accept my apology, or not?" Riku grabbed Yuma's chin, forcing him to look up.

Yuma's eyes trembled. He was at a loss of words. As he tried to reply, a fist came out of nowhere, punching Riku on the cheek. The boy stumbled back, away from Yuma,. He held his throbbing red cheek and looked at the person who punched him.

"K senpai.." Riku mumbled, his breath becoming haggard.

"You little rascal!" K shouted.

K charged towards the first year, pushing him to the ground and straddling him with his legs. He threw punch after punch at Riku, with no mercy left inside of him. In a blur, K was pulled back, by some other first years, and Riku was helped up from the ground. The first year's face was filled with bruises, and was bleeding from the nose. When they took him away, the teacher approached K.

"K, that was really inappropriate, I expected better from you-"

K freed himself from the others' grip and ran towards Yuma, who was still leaning against the cabin wall. The teacher wanted to call out to him, but watched as he ran over to his junior, and she bit her tongue. She called the other first years to follow her, giving Yuma and K time to themselves.

When K ran over to Yuma, he opened his arms, inviting the younger boy for a hug. Usually, Yuma wouldn't accept things like these, even from his own friends. This time, he looked up at his senior, his eyes welling up. He fell into his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around his senior's waist. K hugged Yuma back, holding him tightly as the younger sobbed quietly into his chest.



Atp the main couple ain't even Euijoo and Taki anymore, it's these two lmfao

- Rin

President's Delinquent (&TEAM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon