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"H-huh?" Jo gasped in confusion.

"You want to protect me? But why?" Jo asked, stumbling back.

"Isn't it obvious?" Nicholas groaned.

"I think I like you, Jo," Nicholas mumbled.

"You think you like me?" Jo repeated.

Jo couldn't believe what he was hearing. The guy who he thought was annoyed at him all the time, was confessing to him?

"I... I can't," Jo said as he tried to run off, but was stopped by a pulsating pain in his stomach, making him fall on one knee.

"Jo! Wait! Don't run, let me take you to the infirmary," Nicholas said in concern as he touched Jo's shoulder from behind.

Jo threw Nicholas' hand off of his shoulder.

"Please, don't touch me. Not now. I need to be alone. I can go to the infirmary myself," Jo said as he stood up and began walking, clutching his stomach.

Nicholas watched as Jo disappeared around the corner. Did he just mess up?

– – – – – – – –

"Nicholas! Are you okay?" Harua asked as he walked up to the boy.

"We should take you to the infirmary," Maki said, following his boyfriend.

"Not now. Not when Jo is there," Nicholas replied.

"Huh? Why? I thought you liked him," Harua questioned.

"I do... But I don't think he likes the fact that I like him..." Nicholas replied.

"Wait, you told him?" Harua asked in shock.

Nicholas nodded, his expression darkened.

"I'm guessing he didn't take it very well," Maki said.

"It's okay. I'm sure he's just confused. I'm sure that he will want to talk to you again. Maybe he doesn't like you in that way, but is just surprised that you suddenly confessed," Harua reassured.

"Maybe, but I'm worried,"

"Worried that you're gonna lose him?" Maki finished.

"Yeah," Nicholas admitted.

Harua lightly tapped Nicholas' back to comfort him as they took him to the student council room to treat his wounds.


The NichoJo is getting a bit tense

- Rin

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