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The group of students got cornered by Euijoo, who was panting and looking at them ominously.

"Delete that photo," Euijoo instructed as he looked at the group of boys.

"But you look so happy, president. We've never seen you this happy," One of the boys said as they showed Euijoo the photo.

It was a photo of Euijoo sitting in the classroom, smiling at his phone. He sighed in relief as the picture didn't show what he was smiling at.

"Alright, maybe you can keep that photo," Euijoo said.

"Thanks, prez! By the way, what's got you smiling like that on your phone? A girlfriend, perhaps?" One of the boys giggled.

Euijoo stopped himself before replying. His cheeks turned pink and the group of boys giggled like little children.

"I told you! He has someone! Who's the lucky girl, Euijoo senpai?" One of the boys teased.

"It's none of your business!" Euijoo stated as he began to walk off.

– – – – – – – –

Harua and Maki happily shared their food together. They did get a few glances from people, but they didn't mind much. When people came up to them and questioned it, they were easily able to sway others into thinking they were just close friends.

"When did you first start liking me?" Harua asked as Maki fed him a small piece of sausage.

"I think it was the second tutoring session. I'm not that sure. But I can definitely say that I like you right now," Maki replied with a genuine smile.

Harua blushed slightly as he fed Maki a spoon of rice. The two were talking until Maki noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey, that guy is getting dragged to the back of the school, is he okay?" Maki asked as he pointed in that direction.

Harua turned his head and looked at the direction Maki was pointing in. He watched as two people forcefully took someone to the back of the school. Just before they disappeared, Harua was able to get a small glimpse of who was being dragged away. His eyes widened and he quickly stood up and began packing away the food.

"What is it, Rua senpai?" Maki asked, shocked at Harua's sudden movements.

"We need to get Nicholas," Harua said.

"What, why?" Maki asked his partner.

"He's the only one who can save him," Harua explained as he ran towards the building.

Maki wanted to call out for him but sighed as he watched his boyfriend run off. He quickly ran after him, only a couple steps behind him. Harua violently opened the door to the classroom and walked in.

Wow, that was hot, Maki thought to himself, seeing another side to his partner that he didn't know of.

The two walked towards a boy that was sleeping at his desk. Harua hit him on the head with the lunch box in his hand, causing the boy to wake up, groaning in pain.

"What the heck was that for, Harua?" Nicholas groaned as he rubbed his head.

"It's Jo," Harua replied.


"It's Jo, he needs you. Back of the school. Hurry!" Harua said as he pulled Nicholas out of his chair.

Nicholas' eyes widened and within a second he ran out of the classroom.

"Why couldn't we just tell Euijoo senpai about this?" Maki asked, confused by Harua's actions.

"You know how Taki got suspended, right?" Harua asked.

"Well, it wasn't a one man show. Nicholas was part of it too."

"What? And you didn't say anything?" Maki asked, questioning his boyfriend's morals.

"Listen, he was the one who gave me back my money after it was stolen, I didn't want to rat him out," Harua replied, pouting.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Rua," Maki apologised as he hugged his boyfriend.

"But why Nicholas senpai? You haven't completely answered my question," Maki asked once again.

"Oh, I thought it was obvious."


"Nicholas likes Jo."



I started writing and then school started :P

But here's thirty two with witty Harua

- Rin

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