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"How are you feeling, K?" The teacher asked as she entered his room.

K gulped before replying with a simple 'yes'. He could feel Yuma's breathing against his ribcage. K had bent his legs, creating a small pocket for Yuma to fit in. However, the position didn't exactly make them feel the most comfortable.

"So, the medic told me that Yuma disappeared this morning, saying that he was going to see you, have you seen him?"

K shook his head, his heart beating faster as he felt Yuma's breath against his skin. It wasn't easy for Yuma either. He was trapped underneath K's blanket, next to the man himself! Yuma was basically engulfed in K's scent, and it made him dizzy. He was so close to K's body that he could basically see all of his muscles. Goddamn, he was built! Yuma caught himself staring and tried to snap himself out of it, but he felt like he was in a trance, stuck staring at the older boy's body.

"Strange, well, if you find him, call for me," The teacher instructed, leaving K's cabin.

"Will do!" K shouted as the teacher left.

When she had disappeared, K exhaled loudly, pushing the blanket off of him to reveal Yuma. When he looked down at the junior, he saw how close he was and that he was staring at his body.

"Wow, are you liking the view?" K teased.

"I am not!" Yuma hissed, sitting up.

His words didn't match his face. Yuma's face was coloured in a light pink colour and his hair was a mess. He looked extremely flustered, and K found that adorable.

"You were so checking me out,"

"Was not!"

"Don't lie, I know you were,"

"I wasn't! I swear!"

K laughed at the younger, finding how frantic he was adorable. Yuma pouted, crossing his arms. The teasing was getting too much, and Yuma's face was definitely not helping him win his case. K suddenly thought about what other times the two had been so close. Both previous times made his heart race. And why did K care for him so much? Was it because he was a junior? No, they hated each other.

Lost in thought, K didn't even realise his own hand had grabbed on to Yuma's. He pulled him closer, making the younger boy lean down. He held the back of his neck with his free hand and felt soft lips collide with his.

– – – – – – – –

Euijoo twiddled his thumbs in the student council room. He was so nervous that he hadn't even eaten his lunch. Harua told him that he would bring his boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, to the student council room at lunch. Euijoo sat there, sweating bullets. He was worried about how he would react when he saw the younger boy. Would he cry? Would he be able to say anything to him?

The sound of the doorknob turning brought Euijoo back to his senses and he stood up, preparing himself to face Taki. The door opened and Taki was gently pushed into the room. A soft "you've got this," could be heard before the door closed behind him.

"Taki..." Euijoo managed to muster, tears already beginning to fill his eyes.

He slowly walked towards him, wanting to pull him into an embrace. He reached out for him, but Taki pushed him away. Euijoo felt his heart get stung. It hurt a lot. He put his hand down, respecting the younger boy's boundaries.

"What did you want to talk about?" Taki asked, avoiding Euijoo's eyes.

"I wanted to clear things up... About what happened yesterday," Euijoo started, trying his hardest not to cry.

"What is there to clear up?"

"Huh?" Euijoo replied, confused.

"You broke with me, and that's fine. You don't have to give me closure," Taki said, tears falling from his eyes.

"No, no, Taki, it's not like that, I swear!" Euijoo grabbed onto his hands, making the younger boy look up at him.

Taki looked at Euijoo was tear filled eyes. The tears had left streams on his face, and his eyes started turning pink. Euijoo looked down at him, beginning to cry as well.

"I never wanted to break up with you, I promise. I don't want to break up with you. Not now, not then, not ever," Euijoo cried, trying to stop his tears from flowing.

"Then why did you do it? Tell me, why did you do it Byun Euijoo?" Taki shouted, his voice cracking from his tears.

Euijoo bit his lip, scared to tell the truth. The tears kept on falling, but with the lack of response, Taki's hands slipped out of Euijoo's.

"If you can't tell me, then what was the point of asking me to come?" Taki turned away and turned the doorknob, but Euijoo hugged the boy from behind.

"M-my dad found out... I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I didn't have the heart to... B-but I love y-you... I really do, Taki..." Euijoo sobbed into the younger's shoulder.

Taki didn't reply, but his hand left the doorknob. They stood there, their sniffles filling the room. Euijoo felt the younger boy's hand touch his, holding it.

"Why didn't you tell me immediately...?" Taki asked through his sniffles.

"I-I didn't want you to worry... He said he would go over and do something to you... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you... I'm sorry..." Euijoo sobbed.

Taki turned around and hugged Euijoo from the front. He could feel the other boy's chest rise up and down rapidly.

"I wish you told me sooner... I don't want to break up either, even if your father wants to do something to me," Taki replied softly.

"B-but, if something were to happen to you-"

"Shh, don't worry about me. Let's focus on us," Taki said, smiling through his tears as he looked up at Euijoo.

Euijoo smiled back at the younger boy, stroking his hair.

"I feel like I hurt you so badly, what can I do to make it up to you?" Euijoo asked.

Without words, Taki closed his eyes and leaned up, and Euijoo smiled to himself before leaning in too.


The KYuma in this tho-


- Rin

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