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Nicholas waited until the bell finally rang. He watched as Jo left the classroom, and the bullies followed after him. That was his signal to go. He left his seat and stealthy trailed behind the boys following Jo. Nicholas hid behind the building as he heard the boys grab Jo by the shoulder. He watched silently as they made Jo follow him to the back of the school. Nicholas started to move once the bullies were out of his sight. When he approached them, he saw that two of them had restrained Jo, and the other was getting ready to punch him.

Nicholas swept the bully that was about to punch the boy off of his feet, making him fall on his side.

"Jeez, three against one? That's so unfair," Nicholas said as he kicked the bully in the stomach.

The bully's two companions tried to attack Nicholas, but he effortlessly dodged their attacks. He punched one of them in the stomach, then kicked him into his friend, making them both crash into the wall. The bully that was on the ground rose and pulled a knife from his pocket. He looked at Jo with rage and charged at him. Jo froze, thinking he was a goner. He blocked his face with his hands and closed his eyes, but the sharp blade never came into contact with him. When Jo opened his eyes, he saw that the bully had been apprehended by Nicholas, the knife was safely in the hands of his saviour.

"I.." Jo began to speak.

"Don't say anything and just get the teacher. Don't tell her I was here though," Nicholas instructed with stern eyes.

Without a word, Jo ran into the building to call a teacher and explained the situation. When they walked out, they saw the bullies writhing on the floor in pain, but Jo's saviour was not there.

"The next time I see him, I'm going to thank him," Jo mumbled to himself.

– – – – – – – –

"It's been done," Nicholas reported to Taki as his leader kicked another bully.

"Nice work. Do you mind finishing this one off, Nicho? It's time to see my precious JooJoo senpai!" Taki said, his expression changing from serious to joyful.

Nicholas sighed but didn't argue with his leader. He took the leader's place as Taki ran off in a hurry to the student council's office.

"It's going to be terrible if prez finds out about this," Nicholas sighed.

– – – – – – – –

"JooJoo senpai~!" Taki shouted as he entered the student council office.

"What are you doing?" The curious boy asked.

Euijoo sighed and laid back in his chair, not answering the younger one.

"Three people were found beaten up at lunch," An older boy replied.

"Fuma senpai?" Taki said, shocked.

"This one wanted help in figuring out what happened, so he called me," Fuma said as he pat Euijoo on the shoulder.

Taki pretended to sound surprised as his senior retold him what had happened during lunch. He had been faking it for so long that he had become a professional at acting dumb.

"So you haven't found out who did it yet?" Taki asked.

"No, we haven't. The three bullies won't talk, and the victim said that he didn't know who did it," Euijoo sighed.

Taki pouted, acting as if he wanted to help his senior figure out who had caused a ruckus at school.

Well done, Nicho. Well done Taki thought to himself.


Short chapter again (idk why this is so short)

I hope you enjoyed it!

- Rin

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