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Harua sat in the empty classroom, waiting for Maki to come in.

"It's 12:30, and he's still not here," Harua muttered as he looked at the clock.

Harua waited for a bit more, before believing that Maki wasn't going to come anymore. He packed up his things and began to walk out the door. As he reached for the doorknob, the door swung open, revealing a boy being grabbed harshly by another.

"You've missed out on ten minutes of your session, good thing you have another 30 minutes," Yuma said as he pushed Maki into the room.

Before Maki could refuse, Yuma pushed him into the room, making the younger boy crash into his tutor before closing the door. Maki crashed into Harua, but luckily the older boy was able to stabilise himself by grabbing onto the younger boy.

"Why does Yuma have to be so annoying?" Maki grumbled as he looked at the closed door.

"Maki, you can stop leaning on me now," Harua mumbled, looking at Maki's tight grip on the boy's uniform.

Maki turned his head to look at Harua in front of him, their faces too close for comfort. He looked down and saw that he was gripping onto the older boy tightly, almost leaning onto him.

"S-Sorry!" Maki apologised as he quickly took his hands off of Harua.

His ears turned red in embarrassment and his heart began to race. He looked at his senior and saw him fiddling with his fingers.

"So... Since I'm here, should we continue with our session?" Maki asked, trying to fill the empty silence.

Harua nodded and went back to their usual seat with Maki following behind him.

– – – – – – – –

Satisfied with what he did, Yuma walked down the hallway proudly. He had successfully taken Maki out of football practice to his tutoring session. As he turned a corner, someone called out to him.

"I need to have a word with you, Nakakita," A voice said.

Yuma stopped in his tracks, but he didn't turn around. He didn't need to see their face to know who it was.

"I have nothing to say to you, Koga senpai," Yuma replied as he started to walk again.

He was roughly grabbed by his shoulder, making it difficult for him to move.

"Let go, Koga senpai," Yuma said, grabbing the hand of his senior that was on his shoulder.

K pulled Yuma, forcing him to turn around. K glared into Yuma's eyes and the younger responded the same way.

"What room is Maki in?" K asked sternly.

"You're asking as if I would tell you," Yuma replied with a smirk.

"You're really getting on my nerves now, Nakakita," K said, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Maki's classes have been cancelled, didn't you hear?" K informed Yuma.

"Of course I know, but Harua senpai doesn't know that," Yuma replied.

"Poor vice prez, he was just sitting inside the classroom for ten minutes, waiting for Maki. Harua senpai was about to leave until I brought Maki there,"

"You should've just let Harua leave, he has better things to do!" K retaliated.

"But Harua doesn't know that! No one told him that the classes were cancelled. Do you understand?" Yuma said sternly.

K stood there, dumbfounded.

"No one told vice prez that the tutoring sessions were cancelled?" K questioned.

Yuma shook his head.

"Nope. I don't know if Maki will tell him that they were cancelled. However, for now, you shouldn't say a word to Harua senpai," Yuma said as he turned to leave.

"What makes you think I won't tell him?" K shouted at the younger.

"Koga senpai, you do know that if Maki's grades slip, he'll be kicked off the team, right?" Yuma asked without turning around.

K gritted his teeth.

"As the captain of the football team, you should know better," Yuma said in a mocking way as he walked off.

When Yuma was out of sight, K sighed angrily.

"Stupid Nakakita," He grumbled to himself.


I am so sorry that I did not realise that chapter eight and nine were the same 🥲

- Rin

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