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Yuma pushed K away, making him slam against the bed frame. He looked at the older boy, feeling confused, hurt, and scared.

"Oh my gosh, Yuma, I'm so sorry," K apologised, trying to grab Yuma's hand again.

"No, I can't. Goodbye, Koga senpai," Yuma stuttered, attempting to quickly limp away and out of K's room.

"W-wait, don't leave yet-"

Before K could stop him, Yuma had already left the cabin, and it would've been suspicious if K was running after him. So, he just stayed in his bed, rethinking about everything that happened. What made him kiss the younger boy? He hated him, didn't he? K felt his heart pounding, and his cheeks were burning. Did he really feel something for this guy?

– – – – – – – –

Euijoo sat in the student council room after school with Taki on his lap. He rested his face onto the latter's shoulder, his eyes still puffy after crying. He held onto Taki's hand tightly, refusing to let it go.

"JooJoo," Taki started.

"Hmm?" Euijoo responded, softly kissing the other's neck.

"Are we... Back together now?" Taki asked, turning to the boy behind him.

Euijoo locked eyes with the younger boy. Almost answering with his eyes.

"I'll ask you properly. Will you be my boyfriend, Taki?" Euijoo asked, his eyes beaming into Taki's.

The younger boy replied with a nod, and leaned in to kiss him. Their lips touched and they pulled each other into another kiss. The elder nibbled on the younger's bottom lip, making the boy grab onto his shoulders. When they pulled away, they were both breathing heavily.

"That was a bit bold..." Taki pointed out, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb.

Euijoo grabbed onto Taki's hand, and moved closer to his face.

"Did you like it?"

Taki blushed and nodded shyly, avoiding eye contact with his lover. Euijoo leaned in closer, making their lips touch again, this time it seemed more passionate. Taki wanted to pull away, his head spinning from the lack of air. Or was it the kiss? Euijoo grabbed onto his waist, trapping the younger boy, refusing to let him go. When he finally pulled away, he looked at his boyfriend, gasping for air. He gave the younger boy a small peck on the cheek, laughing at his cuteness, while Taki was dying at his boyfriend's hotness.

– – – – – – – –

"You're so stupid!" Jo hissed, refusing to allow his boyfriend to hold his hand.

Nicholas laughed, still attempting to grab onto Jo's hand.

"I'm sorry, I'll be better next time," Nicholas replied with big puppy eyes, finally grasping onto Jo's hand.

Jo turned around, trying to avoid his boyfriend's eyes. Unfortunately, he fell for them, softening his gaze and sighing.

"You know that I can't stay mad at you-" Jo was cut off by Nicholas suddenly pulling on his hand and kissing him on the lips.

When Nicholas pulled away, Jo's face turned red and he let go of Nicholas' hand, scowling at him. Nicholas laughed at his boyfriend's cuteness, quickly following behind him.

"So, where are we going today, my shy wife?" Nicholas teased, whispering into his ear.

"I'm not your wife!" Jo complained, pouting.

"Mhm, you're right. You're my husband," Nicholas said, pecking his boyfriend's cheek.

Jo got even more embarrassed, his entire face turning red, and he walked away quickly, making his boyfriend have to run after him.


Ok I know it's super short but like-

Sorry school has been such a drag :P

- Rin

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