Chapter 28

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"Guy, I have a bit of a crisis and I need your help. I told Y/N we are having a little party with all of us and our girlfriends next Friday and I asked her to come with me. Please, I'm begging you, I know it's a lot but could you be my wingmen and help me pull this together? Please?"

The reactions from the members could not have been more different. Namjoon and Hobi were laughing. Yoongi was giving a disappointed look of exasperation. Jimin looked excited, Taehyung was already running through his calendar in his head, and Jungkook simply looked confused, totally perplexed about what was happening.

If nothing else, the boys always pulled through when one of them was truly in need and within a matter of hours they had a plan and calendars cleared. Ben would go to Jin's parents, everyone and their girlfriends, plus Y/N, would have dinner together at Taehyung's apartment. Taehyung left it to one of the managers to order the food and drinks and ensure everything else was taken care of.

"So I guess you haven't told Y/N the truth about your feelings yet?" Namjoon was next to Jin as they were packing their bags at the end of the day.

Jin gave Namjoon a side glance but the answer was obvious. He knew what he needed to do but it felt impossible to work up the courage in light of everything that could go wrong.

"Don't worry, it will all work out. I'm sure of it." Namjoon could see that his hyung needed a bit of encouragement. After offering him an encouraging pat on the back they left the practice room to meet the drivers who would drop them both off at home.


The week was so busy Jin hardly saw you or Ben. He was missing spending time with you so he was particularly excited when Friday rolled around. You had already dropped Ben off at Jin's parents and Jin had sent a text letting you know he'd send a car to take you to Taehyung's since he was running a bit late.

You still weren't fully acclimated to such luxury as a personal driver in a beautiful black sedan, but by now you'd met many of the staff that supported BTS, so you were able to comfortably relax in the backseat as you sped past streetlights and towering apartment complexes, not really paying attention to what was happening around you.

"Ms. Y/N, we're here. Just show your ID to the man at the gate. I've confirmed your name is on the list and he'll let you into the building. He will also ensure the elevator goes to the right floor.

"Thank you," you nodded, slipping out of the car and up to the man in a building uniform who was clearly waiting for you.

Moments later you were standing in front of a strange door preparing to knock. Before you could fully raise your hand the door flew open.

"Y/N," Taehyung cried out, pulling you into the door, clearly notified about your arrival by the man downstairs. "I'm so glad you made it. Everyone else is in the kitchen. We're just waiting for Yoongi's girlfriend but let me introduce you to everyone in the meantime."

Taehyung quickly introduced you to all of the women of the group. You already knew from Jin that some of these women were serious girlfriends, others were current flings, and at least Jimin's 'date' was just an old friend since he was currently single.

"Hi everyone," you politely bowed, taking in all of the beautiful men and women that surrounded you.

When Yoongi indicated that his date had just texted and was stuck in traffic, everyone agreed that we should just sit down and get started with the meal. Taehyung had a table long enough to seat everyone. The delicious meal was served on a variety of large platters spread all along the center of the table.

Before you even had a chance to figure out what was being served Jin had picked up your plate and began filling it from the dishes.

Wordlessly he set the full plate down in front of you, clearly familiar with your likes and dislikes by now.

"Thank you," you whispered in appreciation, waiting until Jin's plate was similarly filled before beginning eating.

The food was delicious and Jin kept sliding small bites from his plate to yours through the meal until you finally had to beg him with pleading eyes to stop. You were more than full at that point and weren't sure how you could eat anymore.

The conversation around the table was light and friendly. The boys clearly knew each other very very well, but they were thoughtful to avoid inside jokes, ensuring that everyone at the table was engaged in the conversation.

It was cute seeing the couples together. Some of them seemed largely wrapped up in their own world, focused on just their date. In particular Taehyung and Jungkook seemed totally absorbed with the women who sat next to them. Other members and their dates largely joined separate conversations, obviously comfortable with the larger group.

"So how long have you and Jin been dating," Jimin's friend who was sitting next to you asked, inviting you into conversation.

"Oh, we're not...we're not really dating. I'm...well it's complicated." You weren't quite sure how to describe your relationship with Jin and you weren't really interested in delving into the entire backstory with a stranger.

"That's right, I'm sorry. Jimin told me about your situation. I just forgot because you really almost look like a couple."

"Mmm," you hummed in response. "We do spend a lot of time together, that must be it."

After dinner was finished everyone was ushered to the living room to sit on the comfortable couches and chairs that littered the room. By now most of those gathered had enjoyed a reasonable amount of wine with dinner and Taehyung was starting to pour shots in addition to refilling glasses of wine. You were sitting by Jin, enjoying the light hearted atmosphere and conversation. He had his arm propped across the back of the couch behind you and you basked in the warmth of both his body that you were tucked against, and the wine that was flowing through your veins.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Jin whispered to you before excusing himself to go check out something Jungkook wanted him to see. His seat was hardly vacated when Hobi took his place.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" the man with the heart shaped smile asked, immediately following his question with an offer to refill your glass of wine.

"I am, thanks. It's nice to see everyone in such a casual setting. And I don't get out a lot if I'm honest. Not really since that terrible night at the club," Catching yourself you quickly added "I mean it was only terrible until I met you guys that is, after that I actually had a lot of fun."

"Don't worry, I understand," Hobi soothed you. "We loved having you and it would be great to have you join us again."

"Jin hyung went to a club?" Yoongi leaned over to join the conversation.

"Yeah, with me and Jimin. Don't you remember, he invited all of us. It was a couple of months ago."

"Oh yeah, he wanted to go because Y/N was going to be there."

Wait, what? Jin went because you were going to be there? I thought he just happened to go to the same place you went. This was new.

"Yoongi hyung..." Hobi was clearly trying to stop the other man from talking. It was clear at this point he'd probably had too much to drink.

"That is Jin's style. He wants to be around you but is too chicken to say so he keeps inviting you places as a 'friend' because that's the only way he can spend time with you before you leave."

"What do you mean?" You asked, immediately fixated on the last part of the sentence. "Has Jin said something about me? Does he want me to leave?" Your mind immediately started spiraling. Had Jin told the others that you were leaving soon? That he was preparing to transition you out of Ben's life? You really weren't ready for this.

"Of course not. The man is desperately in love with you but just won't admit it because he's so afraid to lose you."

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