Chapter 6

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Jin really needed someone to talk to about what was happening so he asked his parents if he could come over for dinner later in the week. He needed their wisdom on this one. It was just so much to take in and consider.

PD Bang had immediately granted his request for an evening off, perhaps hoping Jin's parents would talk some sense to him. Jin had been hardly able to stay focused in practice the last week and it was starting to become increasingly noticeable to everyone. The other members, the staff, everywhere there were quiet whispers wondering what was wrong with the oldest member of BTS. Having some time to get all of his thoughts out, along with his parents' support to process the situation seemed like exactly what he needed.

"Mom, dad? I'm here", Jin called as he slipped his shoes off in the entryway to his parents apartment.

"Jin! Welcome home. It was so unexpected to hear you have the evening off! This is really such a wonderful surprise."

Jin nodded his head, "Thanks mom, I love you too."

Following his mother into the kitchen he saw his father serving some of the side dishes into bowls.

"We're almost ready, if you finish filling the water glasses we can have dinner. I know you probably don't want to stay out late since you always seem to have early mornings." His father pointed toward the glasses with his head and the three worked silently for a few minutes before they were all sitting at the table together, ready to enjoy the steaming food that was sitting before them.

Jin picked up his chopsticks but immediately set them back down. Just the thought of having this conversation with his parents made his stomach turn. He just needed to rip the bandaid off and tell them the reality of his current situation.

"Mom, dad," he looked at each but before he was able to say anything else his lower lip began to wobble and tears began to spring from his eyes.

"Jin, sweetheart," his mother was out of her chair in a matter of moments, gently wrapping her arms about her son's shoulder and pulling him close. "What is it? It can't be that bad. I'm sure everything will be fine."

It took several minutes for Jin to calm down enough to even begin to think to talk. How could he tell his parents they had a grandson they knew nothing about. A son he knew nothing about. A child that had been taken from them before they even knew he existed. And what could they possibly do now? The boy was already gone, he could never be a part of their family now. Was telling his parents even more cruel? At least now they were simply oblivious to the situation and the hurt and frustration that went along with it.

After one final deep breath Jin looked at his mother with red rimmed eyes. "I have a son."

It took a moment for the information to register. Jin could see all of the emotions passing on his mother's face. Confusion, surprise, then confusion again, worry, pity, excitement. Just the look on her face was enough to send him back into another spiral of tears.

After several more minutes Jin finally looked up and saw his father's face. In contrast to his mother, his father's expression could only mean one thing. Disappointment.

"I didn't even know you were seeing someone. How far along is she?" his father asked. Then, before Jin could even respond his father started again, "Jin, you're in your late 20's. I would think by now you would understand and know how to use birth control."

"Dad, it isn't like that. My son, he's...he's older already. He's five years old."

Jin's father pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jin, are you telling me that we've had a grandson for five years AND YOU ARE ONLY NOW TELLING US?" Jin began to tremble again at his father's raised voice while his mother seemed frozen in bewilderment, now even sure what to say or how to process everything that was happening.

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