Chapter 24

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Spending time with the three men at the club was what you hoped the evening with Minjoon would be. You laughed and told stories, danced, enjoyed some snacks and drinks, and as the evening wore on your stomach ached from laughing so much.

Hobi and Jimin taught you some basic dance moves and when they danced with you it was fun. They encouraged you, invited you to dance how you wanted, and were respectful in how they touched you. You felt yourself let loose in this new company, feeling safe and comfortable. Between dances you sat next to Jin on the leather couch and the waitress always seemed to bring just what you wanted, even before you had the opportunity to ask.

"It's getting late guys," Jin said as the clock approached three AM. "Let me settle our bill and then we can head home. Jimin, do you want to ask security to call our drivers?"

Jimin slipped out the door as the waitress came to collect Jin's credit card.

You tried to quickly reach for your purse before the waitress could leave. "Oh, let me pay for my own drinks at least. I know you weren't even planning on me being here."

You could see Hobi choke on his drink. Before you could even ask if he was ok he quickly offered, "I'm fine, just went down the wrong pipe." Yeah, as if Jin didn't plan on you being there.

"Y/N really, I insist. We had a lot of fun hanging out tonight. Maybe we could even do it again." Jin reassured you, hoping to put the conversation to rest.

As soon as the waitress returned Jin had the card stuffed back into his wallet and reached out his hand to pull you up off the couch. Surprisingly he didn't release your hand but instead intertwined your fingers.

A brief look at your hand clearly notified Jin of your confusion.

"It's still busy down on the main floor, it will be easier if I hold your hand."

You had to admit, you enjoy holding his warm hand, fingers slotted together. His hand was large and warm and you did feel safer knowing he was watching out for you. Especially after what had happened earlier.

"Oh hey, Y/N" you heard someone screaming your name as you walked through the busy lower level. It was Minjoon, no doubt.

"I'll take care of it," Jin leaned down to speak so you could hear him over the thumping music, his breath caressing the shell of your ear.

"Hey Minjoon, I'm taking Y/N home now. I'll catch up with you later."

You could tell Jin was trying to be polite and not make a scene but Minjoon wasn't having any of it.

"You know you don't have to do that. Y/N is a big girl. She's allowed to make her own decisions." Minjoon challenged Jin.

Before Jin could even respond Hobi broke into the middle of the small group, turning to face Minjoon while pulling himself up to full height.

"Hey bastard, Y/N doesn't like you. And from what I hear you and your friends are all assholes. Say goodbye because I'm pretty sure Jin is never going to let you set foot in his apartment again."

Well...that was one way to put it.

Minjoon knew when he was defeated and didn't want to create more of a scene so he held up his hands in surrender and backed down, but not before giving you one last shout. "I'll see you around Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't know that your hole was only for keeping Jin's dick warm."

You looked back at him in shock and began to pull away from Jin to give the man a piece of your mind but Jin held firm, giving you a brief shake of the head to discourage you. "Let's just get going."

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