Chapter 22

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Four days later everyone was back to their regular patterns.

"How was your weekend?" Namjoon asked as they were getting ready to begin dance practice.

"Did something happen with you and Y/N?" He followed up even before Jin could respond.

"What? No. Why would you ask? Why would something happen between me and Y/N?" Jin immediately retorted, trying to get the attention away from himself.

"I don't know, maybe because you're always looking at her and you're kind of glowing right now. Hyung, we've known you for years, there really are no secrets here. So tell us what happened."

"Nothing happened. I mean we had a good time. Ben had a good time. And..."

Namjoon offered a knowing look. "And?"

"And...oh gosh, I think I like Y/N. I know I shouldn't but I do. Spending so much time together this weekend was really nice, but it also was...complicated? I know I can't like her." Jin was quieter in this response, hoping nobody else would overhear and try to join the conversation.

"Why can't you like her Hyung?" Namjoon looked around to ensure nobody was listening in. "I mean she seems nice, and she's clearly beautiful."

Jin looked at the ceiling for a while to gather his thoughts before responding. "It's just complicated. And honestly I'm not sure she could ever like me. I mean after everything with Ben, I'm just not sure where she's at."

"You could talk to her."

"No, I'm not going to do that. Absolutely not. I don't want to ruin the good thing we have going. It's too risky. I don't want to scare her off."

"Ok Hyung, but she's not going to be around forever. I mean just think about it."

Jin nodded and then turned his back. He needed a few minutes to collect his thoughts before he returned to practice.

He did think about you. A lot. A lot more than he wanted to admit even to himself. You were smart, reliable, and even though you were very gentle you also had a fiery spirit that you used to protect those you cared most about. He knew you were in a fragile place and your last relationship had ended in a flamingly epic tailspin. He wasn't even sure if you'd consider another relationship. Especially a relationship with him. First there was Ben. Beyond that he was just difficult to be in a relationship with. He'd only casually dated around because it seemed like such a burden to maintain a relationship with his career. He hadn't found someone that was worth the effort.

He was jealous of some of the other guys who had found longer term partners. Namjoon had been with his girlfriend so long it seemed nearly certain they would be a package forever. Hobi had maintained several longer relationships. He and his most recent partner were currently taking a break to see if they wanted to make an even bigger commitment and consensus was that they would likely be together for the long term. Taehyung had even gotten engaged. He'd had a whirlwind romance with a charming, shy girl his family had introduced him to and it seemed like love at first sight.

Especially with Ben in his life Jin wanted the same, someone he could partner with, who would love Ben and love him. Someone like you, if only you thought of him that way.


"Oh hey Y/N" Jin greeted you as he dropped his bag on the couch. It was already quite late so he knew that Ben would likely be tucked in his bed sound asleep by now.

"Hey Jin, how was your day?" you asked, pausing the Korean drama that was playing softly on the TV.

"Busy. The choreographers are really working us hard recently. I keep thinking the choreography can't get more difficult and then each new song I end up discovering that in fact it can."

"Poor baby," you joked. "Do you want me to warm up some dinner for you?"

Jin let out a relieved sigh. "That would be great. I'm going to hop in the shower but I'll be right back."

Jin was still towel drying his hair when he returned to the dining room, a big glass of water along with his dinner waiting for him.

"Why don't you join me while I eat?" he asked you and you willingly took a chair next to him at the table. You laughed and chatted throughout the dinner, hearing everything that was going on at practice and with the other guys.

"Uh, Y/N, I was wondering. You know Ben is going to be with my parents next Saturday. Would you like to go out and do something that night?"

"Oh Jin, I'd love to but I already have plans for that night. I'm so sorry."

"Really, what are you doing?"

"Well, Minjoon invited me to hang out that evening. I guess his friends are getting together? We're going to have dinner and then go out."

"Minjoon?" Jin asked. "Is that Ben's Korean tutor?"

"Yeah, since he's here every day we chat quite a bit after Ben's lessons. He's given me lots of advice about places to see in Korea and foods to try out. Sometimes he even brings little treats he picks up from sweet vendors so we can try them. He's always telling me that he's teaching Ben Korean language and me about Korean food." You couldn't help but giggle a bit at the end.

"Oh..." Jin trailed off. "Well, I guess that sounds good. Just, uh, let me know if you need anything. I'll give you the number for my driver too in case you need a ride."

"That's ok, Minjoon is picking me up and dropping me off. I can just walk down to the front gate."

"Yeah, that sounds great. You'll have to tell me all about it."

You could tell that Jin's excitement level had gone down as the conversation went on but you chalked it up to his exhaustion from dance practice. "It seems like you might be tired. Why don't I clean up so you can get some extra sleep? Do you have an early morning?"

"Not too bad, I should be able to see Ben before I leave." Jin pushed his chair away from the table and after offering a brief thank you and good night headed down the hallway to his room.

It was one thing for him to be too chicken to ask you out, but it was another thing entirely if Ben's Korean tutor was. Of course you would develop other friendships and of course other men would notice you. But this just wasn't settling right.

Jin went to bed with one thing on his mind. It was time to find another Korean tutor for Ben.

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