Chapter 27

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You were melting. You weren't sure if it was embarrassment, relief, or satisfaction. Your brain felt like it was malfunctioning and obsessively focused on one thought. The gorgeous man in front of you. Jin.

Some slow music had started and he pulled you up off your chair by your hand, quickly shifting to rest his hand on your lower back and guide you to the dance floor.

As soon as he found space for dancing, you accepted his offered hand and gently rested your other hand on his shoulder, preparing to slowly sway to the music. But Jin wanted you closer. So close every part of you was pressed against him.

You had hardly gotten into place when he drew your intertwined hand up to his lips, offering you gentle kisses on each knuckle while peering into your eyes. That hand was then settled on his shoulder as he gently slid his own hands down your bare arms and then down your side until they settled firmly on your waist. Pulling your body tight to his, he wrapped his arms around your back.

Your body felt like it was on fire already but Jin clearly wasn't done yet.

He gently nudged your head with his own until your foreheads were pressed gently against each other and he was staring into your eyes, barely allowing himself to blink. The intensity of his eyes burned into you and it was hard not to look away but he encouraged you with gentle whispers. "Look at me Y/N, look at my eyes."

You could feel his breath ghosting across your lips as he spoke and shivers ran down your spine. Complying with his request was the only thing you could fathom, so you raised your eyes to his, bathing in his smoldering stare as you shyly bit your lip in return. The end of the song finally offered a reprieve, Jin gently nuzzling his nose against yours before guiding you back off the dance floor and to the bar.

His hands never left you, constantly touching your waist, your hip, your back, your shoulder. You'd hardly had a sip of water before he was taking the glass from your hand, abandoning it on the bar and guiding you to the nearest wall. As soon as you were pressed against the wall he stood in front of you, arms and body caging you in as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.

"You really are beautiful tonight. Everyone is watching us, but I think they are mesmerized by your beauty more than anything."

"Jin" you breathed out only to be hit by the scent of his cologne and natural musk as you drew another inhale. He was making your senses go haywire right now and you think you may have lost the ability to speak.

After placing a few gentle kisses on your jaw, down your neck, and to your shoulder, Jin eventually stepped back, satisfied with the blush on your cheeks.

Placing a kiss next to your lips he whispered one more time, "thank you".


Jin wasn't quite sure how he had gotten here, but oh was he enjoying the destination. He knew he was out on a limb. A very precarious and shaky limb. He had made up a story to you about wanting his family to believe he had a girlfriend, then he had been very forward with you in front of his family, something he'd clearly need to explain to his parents laters. At this point he was trapped in your spiderweb, unable to look away, unable to even have a coherent thought beyond you.

This was no doubt a recipe for trouble. Each touch of your skin made him fall further for you. Your eyes, your beautiful smile, your small sigh when his lips brushed over your neck. He was falling for you and falling fast. With absolutely no plan on how to tell you.

Should he stop? Yes.

Should he back away? Absolutely.

Was he going to? Not a chance.

This might be his only opportunity to be this close to you, he was going to enjoy it for all it was worth and simply hope that you were feeling the same way, somehow sensing his affection for you. The advice of his members echoed in his head. "Just tell her how you feel." But the fear of losing you was stronger than the desire to hold you close. He couldn't risk it. Not until he was absolutely certain you felt the same way.

Today he was going to enjoy being close to you and tomorrow you'd go back to being in the same orbit, but on different trajectories.


Ben was sound asleep on his grandfather's lap when it was time to leave so Jin carefully collected the boy in his arms, wished his parents a good night, and you were out the door. A member of the security team was waiting to open the door, allowing Jin to carefully slide Ben across the long leather seat. After ushering you into the car he went to his own door and joined you on the far side of the bench seat.

Ben's head was uncomfortably drooping forward so Jin shifted the boy so he could lay down a bit, his head resting on Jin's muscular thigh as he brushed his fingers gently through your brother's soft hair.

"Thank you for taking me tonight," you finally broke the silence, offering Jin a gentle smile along with your appreciation. "I'd never been to a Korean wedding and I'm not sure I ever will again so this was a fun opportunity."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was nice having you with me." Jin offered in exchange trying to keep it light, keep it moving. In his mind was another story. He wanted you at his side for many more weddings, many more romantic moments. You could join him for the weddings of his members, maybe even his own wedding with you in a beautiful gown saying "I do".

"Ben looked like he had a good time too," you offered, returning the discussion to more neutral territory. "Maybe he has some of your dancing ability."

Ben had danced with you and Jin to a few faster songs. While he had a great sense of rhythm his moves were unconventional to say the least.

"Yah! At least we both have good rhythm. We can work with that."

"I'm just kidding," you gently nudged Jin's upper arm with your fist. "I actually think you are an incredible dancer and I know how hard you work at it. I admire how hard you work at it. You have an incredible quiet work ethic. Most people don't know how often you go in early and stay late just to practice on your own. It's one of the things I admire about you and I'm glad Ben has such a good role model."

Jin nodded his head in acknowledgement but remained silent. Your words of encouragement meant more than you would ever know. Both because he did remain insecure about his dancing, but knowing that you were proud of him, that you saw him and appreciated him, it went right to his heart.

"Y/N, do you think you'd maybe like to go out with me?"

Jin suddenly went stiff. Did he just say that outloud? He didn't mean to say that out loud. No! What if she didn't feel the same way? Everything would be ruined!

"I mean, the guys always have a small party this time of year where everyone invites their girlfriends. I know you aren't my girlfriend but I'd be glad to have you join me if you wanted. The guys like you and you know everyone. What do you think? Otherwise I'm going to be the lonely 13th wheel."

Jin's puppy dog eyes once again dared you to say no.

You heard yourself speaking before you even had a chance to think. "Of course, I'd love to go with you."

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