Chapter 25

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As soon as the meal was cleaned and you had washed up Jin brought the garment bags to the living room. The first contained a small black suit with a white shirt and lavender tie and pocket square. Clearly it was for Ben. His first suit.

Ben stared at it with wide eyes, "is that for me?" he asked innocently.

"It sure is buddy, they also sent some shoes for you to wear. You're going to look so incredibly handsome. Let's try it on, huh?"

Jin gently steered Ben to his bedroom, carrying the suit with him while you waited patiently for the fashion show to begin. When Ben returned he looked beyond adorable but suddenly so grown up. The suit fit him perfectly, the women had taken his measurements on an earlier trip to the company and clearly they were experts at sizing.

"Ben, you look perfect. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Ben bounced around the room in excitement before remembering his manners. "Thank you Appa." he politely whispered to Jin while you watched Jin's eyes sparkle in joy at seeing his son look so cute.

"You're welcome. I tried on my suit earlier today. It's the same as yours but of course in a bigger size." Jin giggled conspiratorially at Ben before ushering him back to the room to help him remove the suit so it could be stored away for the big day.

"Y/N" Jin got your attention as they emerged from Ben's room, "The stylists didn't have your exact measurements so yours may need some alterations. We just made our best guess on the sizing. They sent two options for you since we weren't sure what you would prefer."

You could see Jin was nervous as he pulled the dresses out of the remaining bags.

"I'm sure it will be fine, I'm not really that picky," you tried to encourage him knowing that it was just a one time event.

Both dresses were lilac to match the boys ties and pocket squares. One was more sparkly with a halter top and the other was a softer one shoulder dress.

"I think I like this one, is that ok?" you asked, pointing to the one shoulder dress that flowed beautifully.

"I like that one too," Jin confessed. "Why don't you try it on?"

Taking the dress into your bedroom you slipped on the luxurious material, careful to not snag it anywhere knowing it would almost definitely need to be returned afterward. Just looking at it you could tell it screamed 'expensive'.

After you were all zipped up and had straightened out the skirt you slipped back into the living room.

"Well, what do you think?"

" look...I mean the stylist noona's did a good job. It looks like it fits just right. Do you like it?"

"I actually kind of love it. I maybe wouldn't have picked something like this myself, but now that I'm trying it on, I really like it. If you like it, maybe I'll just pick this one? I don't think I even need to try the other if that is ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's ok." You blushed under Jin's attention as he couldn't seem to take his eyes off you.

"Well, let me take this off and hang it in the closet then..." you trailed off a bit trying to figure out how to get out of the awkward situation before scurrying down the hallway. You were quickly out of the dress and into your pajamas, carefully hanging the beautiful dress up in the closet.

You weren't planning to go to the wedding but Jin was right, it might be fun. This may be your only opportunity to attend a wedding in Korea. Jin was always comfortable to spend time with and it would be nice to see Ben experiencing something new. You didn't know Jin's family very well outside of periodic visits with Ben to see his parents, but you weren't too worried since Ben always served as an easy distraction and excuse to get out of awkward situations.


"Y/N?" Jin got your attention a few days before the wedding. "Hey, uh, can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, what do you need?" It wasn't so unusual for Jin to ask you to sign for packages on his behalf, or even run out and pick something from a local shop. You and Ben were always looking for excuses to see different parts of the city so it posed no real hardship to do errands for him every now and again.

"Well..." Jin looked nervous which was making you nervous. Unfortunately there wasn't much you couldn't do but feel the anxiety gnawing in your stomach as you waited for him to continue.

"I wanted to talk about the wedding."

A feeling of relief washed over you. You knew any day could be the day Jin would ask you to leave. Thankfully that didn't seem to be where this conversation was going.

"My family is a little complicated. It's kind of hard to explain, but I was wondering if you'd pretend to be my date."

"But Jin, I am going with you already right? Didn't we agree on that? You brought me a dress remember?"

"Yeah, but I mean, would you pretend to be more like my girlfriend? Not just my random plus one? It's just that my aunt is really pushy and judgemental and I know she's going to make it really uncomfortable and if you would just pretend for the evening it would make it a lot less stressful. I know it's a lot to ask but maybe you'd consider it?" The words came rushing out like one long run-on sentence.

"I'm not really sure how that would help. I guess I could but what does that even mean? And won't it be obvious we're just faking?"

"We don't need to tell people we are in a relationship, but maybe if you'll let me hold your hand? Things like that? I just don't want to deal with a bunch of questions. Is that ok?"

"Sure, I guess. Do I need to do anything specific?"

"No, I'll take care of everything. You can just follow my lead."


Jin was flying by the seat of his pants at this point. His member had given him endless grief about not finding his courage and just asking you out. It just felt too risky for him. His life was complicated and you were the one thing that seemed to be the glue keeping everything together. So instead he came up with this idea. Brilliant? Maybe. Then again maybe not.

Weddings are romantic and he hoped you might start to look at him in a different way by the end of the evening. Did he really have a crazy aunt? Sure. But she didn't care at all about Jin's relationship status. He just needed an excuse to get you to open yourself up a bit to him. If he could just make a crack in your heart he was going to take advantage of it and hopefully get you to fall for him.

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