Chapter 18

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You didn't see much of Jin for the next several days. You'd already gotten used to his schedule being quite busy so it was no real surprise, but you also wondered if he was avoiding you.

"Y/N, do you and Ben want to come to the company tomorrow? I can show Ben around?"

You looked at him curiously. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, are things ok now?"

Jin sighed, "It will be fine. The members and I don't always agree but we always work it out. I think it is hard for the guy to really understand the situation but I know they will with time."

You couldn't really say no, so you worked with Jin to create a plan for you and Ben to visit during mid-day the next day. A driver would come and pick you up and you'd have lunch with Jin and some of the other boys. Afterward you could watch them work for a little while.

The following morning you made sure Ben was dressed neatly and his hair combed, finishing just as the driver pulled up. After double checking your backpack where you included a few things to keep Ben entertained, you held Ben's hand as you went out to the car and then rode to the building. The driver guided you onto the elevator and after he delivered you to a small empty conference room told you that Jin would be on his way shortly.

"Hey Y/N," you heard Hobi come in first. "And Ben! My favorite kid!" His gestures and smile expanded as he greeted Ben, giving him a high five and a small tickle.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for the other night," Yoongi apologized as soon as he entered.

"It's fine, I know the situation is complicated. I'm sorry if it felt awkward. Maybe it wasn't really my place to say that."

"It's not your fault Y/N, so please don't apologize. While I don't agree with Jin I won't bring it up again. But if you want to talk about it please know I'm here for you." With a short bow Yoongi left you to go and join Hobi and introduce himself to Ben.

The rest of the visit felt relatively normal. Well, as normal as it could be visiting BTS. The rest of the guys came and finally were able to meet Ben. We went and saw the different studios and where Jin spent his time. Ben was excited to investigate the snacks in the lounge and Jimin showed him some cool dance moves in front of the big mirrors in the dance studio. Namjoon let him test out some of the keyboards in his personal studio and then they had the opportunity to watch the full team at their dance practice.

You stayed for only about 20 minutes knowing Ben needed to get home for a nap or he'd be too tired to stay awake for dinner. The men all politely bowed when you left and Jin walked you out until he was sure you were safely with the driver who would take you back home.

"That was fun!" Ben bounced on the seat in the back of the car, telling you all of his favorite parts. "Do you think we could go back again?"

"You can ask appa tonight. I think he liked having you there too."

Ben had fallen asleep before you made it back to the apartment. The driver offered to carry the small boy for you, which you gratefully accepted. After he was finally down for a nap you took the opportunity to start some laundry and begin to review the next set of lesson plans for Ben's math instruction.


"Y/N," Jin called to you after he got home. "I was hoping to take Ben on a little trip this weekend to see some of the countryside, what do you think?"

"Sure, I guess that sounds like fun. Do you want me to pack some things for him? Are you staying overnight?"

"No, just for a day trip but you should come with. I think Ben might enjoy it more if you join him. Then you can also get out of the city. Would you like to do that? Maybe on Sunday? I have the whole day off."

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