Chapter 15

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"Well, it looks like Ben here is doing great and should be able to go home tomorrow," the doctor offered Ben a warm smile as he shared the good news. "We'll do regular check-up appointments after that, but at this point we should probably prepare for his transition. He will be quite weak for a while and you will need to use special precautions to keep him away from germs, but the latest round of tests show that he's doing great."

Ben clapped his small hands in happiness at the response while you repeatedly bowed to the doctor, thanking him for all of his care and attention toward the boy.

After a quick visit from the nurses you were once again alone with Ben and with Jin. Seeing Jin offer you a brief head nod, you sat at the edge of Ben's bed, picking up his hand and giving a small kiss on his palm.

"Buddy, you're really doing so well. I know this was a lot but hopefully you'll really be better now. Did you hear that? The doctor said we can go home soon." You offered him a soft smile while taking in his happy face.

"I have some news for you. I think we're going to stay in Korea for a little longer. We're going to move in with Jin. He said he has a big apartment with plenty of space for both of us and even made a room just for you. What do you think about that?"

The little boy looked at you in confusion. "Why?" was all he asked, staring at you with large questioning eyes.

"Well..." you took a deep breath and looked at Jin for another moment of comfort and assurance. "Sweetheart..." This really was a lot harder than you thought it would be.

"You know how you were adopted by our family? That you were born to a different family and they decided that you should join our family and grow up with us?"

"Yeah," Ben acknowledged, clearly not seeing where this was going.

"Well, I know this will feel surprising but Jin here, well, he's your biological father. He was your Korean father before you were adopted. He wants to spend more time with you and get to know you more."

"But I thought my Korean family gave me away. Why would he give me away and now want to spend time with me?" Ben was looking between you and Jin full of confusion.

"Oh buddy, it's a little complicated. You see, Jin didn't really know about you. Your birth mother placed you for adoption and he never knew. He didn't find out about you until we came to Korea. And he is sad that he didn't get to spend time with you growing up so now he wants to change that and get to know you."

"Are you really my... My dad? But I had a different dad. I don't want a new one."

Jin sat next to you on the bed and gave Ben the kindest smile he could. It took Jin a while to get all of his thoughts out, needing to translate to English as he went. "I know. I know you had a wonderful dad in America and I'm so so sorry that he's gone now. I won't ever replace him but instead I want to be your appa. Your Korean dad. Do you think I could do that?"

"I guess so." Ben didn't look very certain but after you gave him an encouraging nod he had agreed.

"Should I call him appa?" Ben asked you, still trying to understand what was happening.

"I think he'd like that a lot. Does that feel ok for you?" you encouraged the boy who was next to you.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Good boy," you kissed his forehead. "Now, I think it's time for a little nap and then later this afternoon we'll do a little bit of reading and start to pack up our things so we can move to Jin, I mean your appa's the apartment tomorrow, does that sound good?"

With a sleepy nod Ben agreed and allowed his eyes to slowly flutter closed.

"Sleep well," you kissed his forehead after brushing back his fringe. "Tomorrow is going to be a big day."


The next day was the first time you really found yourself experiencing what it meant to exist in Jin's orbit. You'd never even seen him outside the hospital and while you'd noticed he'd often come in wearing a hat, mask, and sunglasses you hadn't thought much about what his life was like as a celebrity. When it was finally time to take Ben home Jin was there, along with two other men who you hadn't met but were dressed in suits.

"Y/N and Ben, these gentlemen will help make sure we get home safely. They'll also help carry the bags." Jin grinned as he introduced the two men.

When Ben was firmly settled in a wheelchair with his favorite stuffed dinosaur on his lap, we bid farewell to the hospital staff and you helped push Ben to the elevator, following the lead of the man in front of you.

"There is a small area in the parking garage at the rear elevator, the car is waiting for us there," one of the men indicated to Jin as he pressed the button for the correct floor.

When you got there you saw it was a loading zone with a sleek black SUV with darkened windows. The men quickly popped your bags into the back and then opened the door for you to help settle Ben. You put him in the middle seat and after ensuring his seatbelt was firmly clicked you slid in next to him. Jin was entering from the other side of the car to ensure Ben was safe and sound in the middle.

It was a quiet drive through Seoul with the two security in the front periodically discussing traffic reports. It didn't take long before the car pulled up to a beautiful new looking complex, the guard flashing a pass to allow the gated entryway to open. From there you pulled into a garage in one of the buildings and after security parked the car prepared to explore your new home.

You could tell Ben was exhausted so you picked him up into your arms to carry him inside, secretly thankful that he was still so lightweight even though you knew it was most likely a side effect of being so sick for so long.

"Would you like me to carry him?" Jin immediately offered, stretching out his arms, but Ben buried his face in your neck indicating his desire to stay with you.

"Thank you, but I've got him," you assured Jin as you walked toward the elevator.

Another token opened the elevator and soon you were being deposited on the top floor of the seven story building. "I'll take care of all of your building access in the next day or two. The security is pretty tight here so you're going to need to make sure you keep your building ID with you any time you leave."

You nodded your head in understanding as Jin stopped outside an apartment door and slid his finger over the keypad. Even the building hallway was beautiful, huge glass ceilings over the hallway let in lots of life and plans and beautiful chairs decorated the small space.

"Welcome home," Jin smiled as he allowed you and Ben to come through first. You saw several pairs of slippers by the front door and immediately slipped both your own and Ben's shoes off. Jin clearly thought ahead to provide slippers in each of your sizes and you smiled up at Ben as you set him down and knelt next to him, helping him slip on the new indoor shoes.

"They're just the right size aren't they?" you grinned. "Your appa must have just gotten these for you. Do you like them?"

Ben nodded with a shy look. "I like them."

"Thank you Jin," you said, standing up to look at the man while keeping Ben's hand firmly in your own.

"You don't have to thank me Y/N. This is your home now too and I want you to be comfortable."

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