Chapter 3

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"Jin," one of the managers had snuck into dance practice and approached him during a break, "PD Bang would like to see you after rehearsal today."

Jin groaned. He was exhausted and looking forward to getting home, ready to take a shower and collapse in his bed. Why was it always so exhaustingly busy?

When practice was over Jin began slowly gathering his things, eyeing his members with jealousy knowing they were done for the day. Sure, Yoongi would probably go to his studio for a while but at least it was voluntary, nobody was forcing him to keep working until late at night. As he finished packing his bag Namjoon joined him.

"Hey, Bang asked me to come see him too. Are you ready? Hopefully this will be short. This new choreography has me absolutely exhausted."

Jin nodded his head, picking up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He impatiently bounced on his feet as they waited for the elevator. The best hope was that this would be fast. If he wasn't delayed long he might still be able to catch an episode of the TV show he was watching before he fell asleep on the couch.

The receptionist politely bowed as Jin and Namjoon passed, allowing themselves to step into PD Bang's office and close the door behind them. A few members of the legal team were there which was an unexpected surprise. Nobody had seemed to have any scandals or bad press recently which was the only reason they usually saw their lawyer colleagues. Jin looked to Namjoon but he just shrugged his shoulders in response, equally confused by their presence.

PD Bang looked a little grim. After so many years working together the boys could read him easily and he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in this meeting.

"Jin, Namjoon" he motioned to the chairs across from his desk inviting them to take a seat.

"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked first, anxious to hear what could have caused this last minute summons.

PD Bang turned to Jin. "I want you to listen to everything I have to say before you speak, please. I don't know exactly how to say this, so if you'll please just listen."

Jin felt the blood rush to his face and the sound of his heartbeat taking over his ears. This was not how he wanted a conversation with PD Bang to begin. Anything could be next. Anything at all.

"Jin," PD Bang sighed before he began again. "Earlier today our legal department received a letter from one of the local adoption agencies. The birth mother of a child they placed for international adoption several years ago has now identified you as the likely father."

"What?" Jin shoved his chair back, standing up immediately. "That can't be. How could that be? That can't be right. Who is it?"

"We don't know Jin, please sit down just for a minute." PD Bang motioned Jin back into his chair while Namjoon looked on with eyes wide. This was absolutely not at all what he was expecting to hear right now. He rarely felt totally speechless but at this point he couldn't imagine what he could possibly say. Korean, English, there was no language that could possibly articulate everything currently going through his mind.

"They are just trying to get money from me right? Use my fame? Are they threatening to go to the press? Why is this coming up now?" Jin had sat back down but wasn't allowing PD Bang to get a word in edgewise as his mind raced and questions tumbled from his lips.

"Jin, it's nothing like that. Just listen." PD Bang was sterner this time. If Jin would only listen they could move to making a plan.

"The child was adopted by an American family. It seems he has been diagnosed with cancer and the family is looking for a biological relative that might be a match as a bone marrow donor. The birth mother provided the agency with your name as the father. There doesn't seem to be anybody who is asking for money or anything else, they are only looking for a biological relative. That said, it seems like it would be wise to proceed with extreme caution."

"Who is the mother, is it someone we know?" Jin was tumbling through his memories trying to think of anyone who would have done this to him.

"Apparently she said she had a very brief one night relationship with you and you didn't know each other." PD Bang shuffled through the papers on his desk. "Her name is Kang Minha. Does that ring a bell?"

Jin shook his head no, trying to recall that name from the recesses of his mind but drawing a total blank.

"How do we know I'm the father? What if I'm not? Wait, what if I am?" Jin's voice was escalating as he spoke, becoming frantic as thoughts crashed through his mind, overwhelming his ability to hear.

"Jin, hey it's going to be ok, just calm down." Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin and pulled him closer to his side. "One step at a time. We can take this one step at a time ok?"

Jin nodded just a bit as he wiped the tears away from his eyes. He had a son? Maybe? Was that something he even wanted? And even if he did, the boy was already gone, taken away before he had the first opportunity to even meet him. He felt totally, utterly and completely overwhelmed.

"Jin, listen just for a minute please. I know this is a lot but we need to make a plan. First of all, nobody outside this room should know anything about this. Understood? Even the rest of the members. If you need to talk to someone about it you can talk to Namjoon, nobody else, got it?" PD Bang was watching him closely to ensure he was both hearing and listening.

Jin sniffled while he nodded his agreement.

"Ok, now we have to decide what to do about this request. You have every right to just say no. We don't even need to find out if the child is yours. He already has a family that has adopted him, he is not your responsibility. Understood?"

Jin nodded again, furiously wiping away at his tears.

"However, if you want to do a paternity test we will support you in that. Everything will be absolutely confidential. If he is your child we can decide what to do next. If he isn't your child then we can close the door on this and never look back. You don't have to decide today, the choice is yours."

Jin sat back in his chair, eyes glazed over as he tried to think. It was just so much all at once.

"Why don't you sleep on it and we can check in tomorrow," PD Bang offered, recognizing Jin likely needed more time.

"No, I want to do it. I need to at least know the truth."

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