Welcome and Authors Note

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Dear readers,

Thank you for joining me on this journey with a new story.

I want to start by sharing a few things that are important for my dear readers to understand.

First, this story is not a medical textbook nor legal advice.  It is fiction.  As fiction I may take liberties with certain details throughout the story.   

Second, this story will consider the complex world of adoption.  It is not intended to make light of the adoption experience.  I have immediate family members that are adopted from Korea so I want to treat this subject with compassion and consideration.   Real life adoption stories are often full of individuals who either have few real options or their choices are entirely taken away from them.  You'll see that as a prominent theme here.  You might not like the choices that individual characters make each step of the way.  That is ok.  I hope in each case we will see that they are simply doing the best they think they can in light of everything that is happening around them.  If the answers were easy there would be no place to explore a plot line in this fiction story.  If the content hits close to home and feels too difficult to read, I see you and invite you to immerse yourself in some of the other fine fiction that is available on this platform.

And as always,

I do not own BTS and this story is entirely fictional. Any similarities between this story and any others are a coincidence.

This story may have some difficult moments. I won't dwell unnecessarily but I also won't indicate trigger warnings in advance. If that makes you uncomfortable I encourage you to check out much of the other interesting writing on this platform.

Please do not take this work and republish it elsewhere. It is good to like others work and it is good to be inspired by others work. I like and am inspired by other writers all the time. Instead use that inspiration to add your own creativity here, on other platforms, or in other ways in the world.

I have a lot of ideas about where I want to go with this book but I generally write real time. As my readers who are rejoining me know I normally publish on Friday, often several chapters at once. If you are reading along real-time please check to ensure you start with the first new publish chapter each week.

I do promise you I won't abandon you and this story. There may be weeks I am unable to post, but I assure you I'll come back and continue on.

Now let's see where our characters will lead us on this journey!

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