Chapter 18: Bodyguard

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Previously on Chapter 17: New Employee, we finally meet Nifty and Husk who's being summoned by Alastor. Then, Alastor begin to started a musical theatre until he was interrupted by an explosion caused by Sir Pentious. Before Alastor could destroyed Sir Pentious's airship like the canon, Lincoln's the one who finished the job by cutting the airship into two before exploded into multiple pieces as well as destroyed some building from the impact.

Lincoln's POV


Right now, I'm training with my katana with multiple training technique at the same time to heightened my skill of all style. Few days ago, after defeating Sir Pentious's airship and shows Princess Charlie my true power in front of her which I think she's either scared or impressed by my action. After that done, both me and Princess Charlie having a private conversation with Vaggie as a witness in her office.

Flashback [Lincoln's POV]:

Charlie: Now... what is this unfinished business you're talking about?

Lincoln: *nod* That one... Before we begin with this conversation, I need to remind you two that at this moment, you're not talking to Lincoln, your friendly Sinners but instead <Shadow>, the head strategist of I.M.P Headquarters. *serious tone* Shall we begin with our business?

Both Charlie and Vaggie surprised a bit hearing the change of Lincoln's tone knowing he's mean serious right now instead of friendly conversation like before showing how serious he takes his job is.

Charlie: *turn serious as well* Very well then, <Shadow>. What kind of business are we talking today?

Lincoln: *snap his claw, reveals a scroll* Miss Vaggie, this is yours.

I push the scroll (look at the picture above) towards Miss Vaggie in which Miss Vaggie open the scroll to read the content

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I push the scroll (look at the picture above) towards Miss Vaggie in which Miss Vaggie open the scroll to read the content. While she's read the content of the scroll, I snap my claw again and reveal 3 cup of tea in front of us in which I offer them to drink and they accepts it. Few minutes later, Vaggie put down the scroll and look at me in seriousness.

Vaggie: I've finished reading the scroll and as the manager of the Happy Hotel, I give you my full approval and the authorization of our hotel. In return, you will provide us guest who is worthy to be redeemed in this hotel.

Charlie: *smile happily* If Vaggie agrees, that means I also agree with it.

Lincoln: *raise his paw* I'm not done yet. That one is for Miss Vaggie but *snap his claw* this one for you, Princess Charlie.

I summon another scroll but it's the opposite color. Instead of black scroll with golden marks, Princess Charlie's scroll is golden with black marks. I push the scroll towards Princess Charlie in which she and Miss Vaggie to read the content. The moment they read the content, they finally realized what kind of scroll is this.

The Hellhound, Lincoln Loud (Helluva Boss AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن