Chapter 16: Commitment

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Previously on Chapter 15: Princess of Hell has finally met with the Princess of Hell and decided to join her return to the hotel. While this was happening, Vaggie thanked Lincoln for giving them a resident inside the hotel before he left to retrieve Mrs. Mayberry. Suddenly, Alastor arrived at the hotel like the canon but the twist is Lincoln arrived at the perfect time by showing his gun on his face. Vaggie then straightforward told them that's Lincoln's a hellhound but what he didn't realized was that Lincoln always in his partial full demon showing he's a hellhound instead of Sinner demon.

No One POV

Lincoln: It seems there's an issue about my appearance. Allow me to formally introduce myself. 

Lincoln then turn his body before he walks to closer to Charlie and begin to bow on one knee in front of her like a knight in front of the nobility causing Charlie become embarrassed by the gesture.

Charlie: Woah, woah, woah, woah. What are you doing? You don't have to do that.

Lincoln: Forgive me but I'm a very traditional kind of guy so believe me, I need to do this to show how sincere I am. My real name is Lincoln but you can call me by my codename, <Shadow>. I'm the head strategist of the I.M.P Headquarters and I'm a Sinner Demon as you can tell.

Charlie: I.M.P Headquarters?

Lincoln: It shorts for Immediate Murder Professionals. The heaquarters are an assassination business within Hell. The purpose of our company is to be hired by clients who were once people that were wronged in life and our job is to go up to the living world to kill the person that wronged them.

Vaggie: Wait a second... you said you kill people in the living world?

Lincoln: That's correct.

Vaggie: How did you manage to do that?

Lincoln: *shake head* Unfortunately, even I, the head strategist, doesn't have any authorization to tell you about that information as it's in our policy to keep all of our business a secret unless you have a warrant or an approval for the information since it's a private business.

Vaggie: Secretive and manageable. I respect that.

Lincoln: *small laugh* It's what we do best. After all, we're an assassin...

Lincoln look up towards Charlie and Vaggie with an emotionless expression on his face showing how serious it is.

Lincoln: *emotionless tone* We lurk in the darkness... we hunt behind the shadows... we kill under the moonlight... To please our client... we do whatever it takes and no matter what to finish it... That's our company's motto.

Both Charlie and Vaggie let out a huge gulp knowing how easily Lincoln manages to changes his personality from a happy and easy to talk demon into a cold-hearted killer. Alastor just shows his smile but behind that smile hidden a very interested thought.

Lincoln: *return to normal again* Anyway... that is the summary of what my job is.

Charlie: Right... I thought the Radio Demon is scary enough but Lincoln is far more scarier than him. His job is literally an assassin and he will do whatever it takes to kill the target.

Lincoln: I can assure you, Princess Charlie. I meant no harm for your hotel and would not do anything to ruin it. You have my word for it.

Charlie: *surprised* How did you-

Lincoln: Your face, Princess Charlie. You need to control your expression in front of a demon like me or they will use it against you and destroy whatever you hold love. It's an advice for you, Princess Charlie.

The Hellhound, Lincoln Loud (Helluva Boss AU)Where stories live. Discover now