Chapter 30

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And Don't forgot to follow me Guys✨

Author's POV 
Radhi was standing in a corner at the party with Aayansh, both enjoying snacks while watching others dance. Aayansh asked her, "Why aren't you dancing?"
He knew that Radhi wasn't much into dancing, but he was still curious to hear her answer.
Radhi, after hearing his question, placed her plate down and looked at Aayansh. She said, "Then let's go."
Aayansh, a bit confused, asked, "Go where?"
"To dance," Radhi replied, extending her hand towards him.
Aayansh, surprised, said, "Don't you think that line is supposed to be mine?"
"Maybe next time you can say it, but for now, I'd like to dance," Radhi replied affectionately.
It was a bit unusual for Radhi to show an interest in dancing. Aayansh remembered that Radhi had danced at their reception, but he knew she had done that to irritate Yash. It wasn't because she particularly enjoyed dancing.
"As far as I know, you don't really like dancing," Aayansh remarked, his eyes searching hers for an answer.
"Haa, lekin tumhare saath toh mujhe sab kuch khaas hi lgta hai," Radhi replied, gazing into his eyes with a soft, affectionate look.
(Yeah, but when I'm with you, everything feels special.)
Hearing Radhi's words, Aayansh choked on his breath.
Before this, what was Radhi's response? His phone rings loudly, as if he's considering picking it up at first, but then decides to ignore it.
However, when Radhi notices repeated calls on Aayansh's phone, she tells him, "You should pick up the phone; it might be something important."
"There's nothing important at the moment, absolutely nothing," Aayansh replies, looking at her.
Upon Aayansh's response, saying it's not that important, Radhi tells him his phone is vibrating and ringing, suggesting he should answer in case it's something urgent.
And with that, Aayansh's phone rings again, to which Radhe gestures and says, "You should pick it up this time. It's been bothering you since then. Talk once and let me know."
Aayansh, now annoyed, looks at his phone and sees 25 missed calls from his secretary, making him wonder if it's indeed important. He realizes his secretary wouldn't call so many times without reason.
"I'll be right back, Aayansh," he says, heading out.
Radhi, while watching Aayansh leave, quietly thinks to herself, "Seems like he got some important work today. Who keeps calling repeatedly? Can't they let us have our personal moments in peace?"
Radhi's POV 
Lost in my thoughts, I hear a voice from behind: "Oh, my dear friend!"
"You finally decided to show up. I knew you'd come," I say, with a forced smile.
"What's up? It seems like you've been waiting for me. How much do you like me suddenly, huh?" Pratik questions me with a hint of sarcasm.
"Oh, I've always liked you a lot, because I love everyone," I respond sarcastically, a sentiment Pratik picks up on.
"Bas bahut ho gaya ab main Janna chahta hun tum ye sab kyon kar rahi ho? Kya karna chahti ho? Tumhara maksad kya hai inn sab ke piche ka," Pratik asks me, now adopting a more serious tone.
"All this? What do you mean by 'all this'? What are you trying to do?" I deflect, avoiding a direct answer and steering the conversation away from myself.
"I understand perfectly well that there's a big reason behind everything you do, because you never do anything without a purpose," Pratik tells me, his tone tinged with suspicion and intensity.
"Well, it's nice to see that you understand me so well. That's great," I reply with a calm smile, my demeanor betraying no hint of my true intentions.
"Look, I want to tell you that whatever you're planning in your mind, drop it now. Because if I decide to take action, you won't escape," Pratik says, his tone serious and ominous, delivering a clear warning.
I don't know, but hearing that, I suddenly couldn't control myself.
"What did you just say? Do you think you'll teach me a lesson? You'll ruin me. Before you even try that, let me give you your surprise. It seems like you're in quite a hurry," I respond to Pratik, my tone laced with defiance and determination.
With that, I turn away from Pratik and swiftly walk off to somewhere he can't see me.
Aayansh's POV
Stepping outside to answer my secretary's call, I couldn't shake off the unease caused by the twenty-five missed calls from him. It was enough to trigger a sense of worry.
Finally, I decided to answer his call.
"What's happening? Why all the persistent calls? You've called me twenty-five times. It's getting on my nerves." I express my frustration and irritation to him, feeling increasingly agitated.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, but it's really urgent," he insists, his tone reflecting the seriousness of the matter.
"What's the matter? Why didn't you just tell me what's so important?" I inquired sharply, my tone laced with urgency.
"Our player, Synar, has fractured his hand, and the doctor has advised him to rest," my secretary informed.
"What the fuck? Where was your attention? Didn't you see this coming? How could this happen? The Legends of League is starting in a few days, and you let this happen?" I explode in anger, my frustration bubbling up inside me.
"I had been fully focused. I was just busy with some company matters for a few days, and all this happened during that time," the secretary explains.
As I hear the secretary's explanation, I make an effort to control my anger and empathize with the situation and the secretary's predicament.
Then, speaking calmly, I continue, "So, have you arranged for a replacement player?"
"Sir, you know you're the best player in our company, and before Synar, if there's any great player, there's only one, and that's Devil King. And Devil King is currently..." the secretary hesitates, his words tapering off.
"Alright, I understand. Prepare for Devil King's arrival and inform management that Devil King will be stepping in as Synar's substitute," I affirm, my understanding of the situation clear.
Hearing that Devil King is going to play the legend of League, secretary, with excitement. He says, "All the opponents won't be able to win even a single match."
"Alright, alright, now that the problem is solved, I won't be calling you 25 times a day anymore. Give me a break for a few days, will you?"
"I apologize for that, sir," the secretary says apologetically.
"Let's leave this issue for now. It's getting late, so wrap up the work as soon as possible and head home, I tell my secretary with a sense of urgency and concern.
And with that, I end the call.
I feel immensely fortunate to have found a secretary like Sudip. Even in my absence, he ensures the company runs smoothly. He's my most trusted individual.
As I glance at my phone, I realize a lot of time has passed.
I hadn't even noticed how much time had gone by, lost in my thoughts. Now, I feel the urgency to leave quickly. 
Author's POV 
While everyone was busy talking amongst themselves, the host stood up and addressed the crowd, "Hey everyone, can I have your attention, please? We have a special couple here celebrating their anniversary today. The husband has done something really special for his wife." 
As the host announced, Sneha looked at her husband and said, "Wow, all of this is so special for me. You've made everything so wonderful. What more could my heart desire?"
Pratik, who was equally surprised and had no idea what was happening, pretended to know everything and acted as if he had planned it all.
Despite his confusion, he maintained his composure and didn't let on in front of his wife.
As he spoke, a video started playing in the background, showcasing beautiful pictures of Sneha and Pratik. The video was filled with heartwarming moments, capturing the essence of their love and journey together.
Watching all this unfold, Shivi, clearly annoyed, said, "What is going on? It feels like we came to their anniversary party instead of our get-together."
"They've ruined the whole day. First, I can't figure out what Radhi is doing, and now this," Shivi continued, expressing her frustration.
In response, Sarthak added, "Exactly. I'd happily adjust and join in someone else's anniversary celebration, but having to be a part of this jerk Pratik's anniversary is just too much."
Meanwhile, Pratik's wife was overjoyed, watching the heartwarming video. She hugged Pratik and said, "Wow, baby, I had no idea you loved me this much. I feel so lucky to have a husband like you."
Among the guests, there was one person who seemed happy, not annoyed, watching both Pratik and Sneha. It was none other than Radhi. She said, "Wait a little longer. Soon, this love of yours will turn into hate."
Pratik responded, "I love you so much."
As soon as Pratik replied, Radhi started counting down, "1, 2, 3," and the video changed, revealing clips of Pratik's various affairs. The footage showed him cheating on his wife with different women.
This unexpected twist grabbed the attention of everyone at the party, adding drama to what had been a boring event.
As the videos played, everyone present started talking among themselves. People were whispering, "What's this about Pratik? Is that him with another woman?"
Another person, gossiping, said, "How could you not know? This is the same guy who got kicked out of college for exactly this kind of behavior."
"Yes," someone else added, "Pratik is getting his karma today for what he did back in college. He ruined the lives of many girls with extreme ragging and sexual assault. Radhi was the one who challenged him, gathered evidence, and got him expelled."
As Sneha watched the videos and listened to the conversations of the other guests, she turned to Pratik, her husband, and asked, "What is all this? What are these videos showing?"
Pratik, initially engrossed in watching his own videos, suddenly snapped out of it upon hearing the discussions around him. He stood up, his expression serious, and said, "Who started this? Stop these videos right now."
"Whoever played this tasteless joke on me, reveal yourself," he said with anger rising in his voice.
Turning his attention to his wife, Pratik approached her and said, "Baby, this is all lies. None of this is true. Someone has set me up."
"How could someone fabricate something like this just to frame me?" Pratik continued, visibly agitated.
"Why are you lying, Pratik?" echoes a voice in the hall, filled with accusation and disbelief.
Just then, a voice echoed in the hall as a girl approached them. It was none other than the girl Pratik had conspired with, Aayansh, to trap Sneha. However, their plan had backfired.
The girl approaches them, addressing Pratik first, then turning to Sneha. "I used to think you loved me, Pratik. But now I see you have a wife. Today, I realize you've deceived me."
Pratik and everyone around them froze at the sight of the girl. His expression shifted as he tried to compose himself as he processed her words. "What are you talking about? Who are you? I don't know you. What nonsense are you spewing? "he retorted, his demeanor fluctuating between confusion and defensiveness.
"I'm talking nonsense. It's you who should be answering me. Why did you do this to me? I did everything for you, and this is how you repay me." The girl demands, her voice tinged with hurt and frustration.
Pratik turned to his wife Sneha and said, "Look, baby, look. She's trying to frame me. Don't pay attention to her. You trust me, right?"
Pratik felt a sharp slap on his cheek, echoing through the entire hall. It wasn't anyone else, but his own wife, who had struck him. She stepped forward, her voice firm. "Stop your nonsense. I've seen through all your lies. I used to think it was just rumors, but seeing all this, I'm convinced you're behind it all. What did you think? That I wouldn't find out? I thought you had changed for the better, but I was wrong. I've had enough."
Sneha continued, her tone resolute, "Don't ever show your face to me again. And tomorrow, you'll receive divorce papers in the mail."
As Sneha walked away, leaving Pratik stunned and humiliated, he stood there, feeling a mix of rage and shame. Never before had he experienced such humiliating public humiliation. Sneha had left him, and his dream of taking over his wife's company and asserting control remained unfulfilled.
Meanwhile, those around him, who had witnessed everything unfold, whispered and discussed Pratik's actions. Anger simmered in their voices, directed towards him.
Amidst the commotion, Pratik's gaze shifted, catching sight of Radhi. He realized that everyone was talking about him. Suddenly, it dawned on him that this was Radhi's doing.
Fueled by rage and betrayal, Pratik's eyes narrowed as he advanced towards Radhi. His voice trembled with fury as he accused her, "It's all your doing, isn't it? I know it's you. Today, you won't escape me. You won't get away with this!"

***Author's POV***

Hey guys,

I sincerely apologize for not uploading anything for so long. As I mentioned, I was supposed to come  after NEET, but I encountered some issues (about NEET toh mera bahoot hi bekaar gya).And You know, it's really difficult to pick up something again after leaving it for a while. I haven't written anything for a month, and I was struggling to figure out what to write next. I tried hard, but my mind just wasn't cooperating when it came time to write. Even after putting in so much effort on Instagram, I'm not getting the support and anticipation from my followers. At first, I thought I wouldn't set any targets, but now I see that those who set targets, you guys only vote for them. Interest doesn't stay for long in anything, so I had to really force myself to keep that interest alive. My interest is there only when things are going well, so let's keep it going well so my interest stays, and yours too.

I just wanted to say this much.

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