UNA #27

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While Cass was on her way to Jason, I hoped that he would find me in his dreams. And just as I was sitting on a rock, it transformed into sand, leaving me lying on a wonderful beach. Then I remembered that it was almost exactly the one where he had brought me first to speak to me.

"Do you remember?",I heard his voice that was full of mixed emotions.
"Of course", I replied, "I am not sure if we were more confused then or if we are now".

"The sunset was as beautiful as it is now, but then I thought I was a girl and now I know that it doesn't matter who we are or think we must be."

Jason just nodded silently. Then he turned to me, asking, "Do you think you can get in touch with the dead?"

"I don't think so, at least not me. But when you look around and consider everything that has happened to you in the last months, don't you feel that there is so much more possible than we all might be capable of imagining?"

Jason tried to smile and then he went on, "Whenever I have the feeling that there is something to grasp to, that I start to get the hang of the way of things, something happens that lifts me up, shakes me through and through, and then turns my world upside down."

"Are you rather the salt or the pepper?" I said laughing, taking his hand.

"But you know what is really funny? That now it seems that you are my guide after all", he added with a smile.

"Maybe", I replied, looking into his eyes. Then I grabbed softly into his chest, holding his heart, in order to listen to it. Then I took it out and held it in front of his eyes, adding, "Never forget this. It is the most precious and most important legacy your parents have left you. Always remember that whenever you act without your heart that you are going to hurt yourself, your parents and the world."

I slowly put his heart into his chest again, letting my hand still rest with it for a while. Then Jason put his head into my leap and fell asleep into his so-called waking world.

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