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Words are so inadequate. The moment I will to formulate what is, it is already lost on the way.

There is endless wisdom that cannot be spoken without being misapprehended the very moment they reach your treacherous ears.

Travelers have myriads of terms for circumstances and objects that are all just a web of illusion, spun by your desire to keep yourself lulled in dreams.

Let us take "life" and "death" as an example of one thing you consider to be of uttermost importance. Which could only be true, if they described reality.

It all accumulates in the strange shape you call your body. The one you hold so dearly as the vessel that makes all the difference. Between you and others. Between well-being and sickness. Between love and hate. Between living and dying.

And all that is born out of this fear that you have deluded yourself into, keeps your world spinning, making you more afraid by the moment.

That is why we are here. To remind you that there has never been any good or evil. That you are like toddlers playing in your sandbox, crying over the nasty child next to you that has destroyed your cute little sand castle.

This very moment Jason is about to find out that he has not only almost killed Cassandra, but that Una is going to ask him to finish the deed.

What will he make of this unexpected turn of events? Will he give in to tragedy and madness, will he refuse to accept his fate? Will he break down under this burden like before?

If you could see the smile on my face, you might condemn me as cruel.

But here is the truth I reveal just to you: We are all on the same path. And whatever way you turn to, you will eventually end up at exact the same crossroads like your friend Jason.

So, what will you do?

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