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When I felt the shattering that was caused by the killing of Jason's parents, I knew that I had to step in and support him getting through this turmoil.

Thus I visited him the night after the murder had happened.

I told him about my brother the Shadow, and how we tried to gather forces for our purposes.

Once he realised that something that had not made any sense to him, evolved in a very tragic way, shining a completely different light on me and my motives, he looked at me with sheer contempt, conjured up a gun and shot me in the head.

He pulled the trigger again and again, as long as there were bullets left. When the gun was empty he threw it at me, falling to his knees.

I was surprised that he didn't wake up, being lucid in a very emotional state. But this just confirmed my intuition about Jason's extraordinary abilities.

He knew that he couldn't harm me in that way. But at that moment that did not matter.

He looked at me with desperate eyes reaching for the question that burned in his mind, "Are we all just puppets for you? And what's the difference between you and your damn brother because I don't see any?"

"As long as you search for the right you will be wrong and blind to the truth", I told him.

"We all have a part to play in this universal game. If you think that you have no control, I agree. But neither do I. We are all in this, being the master and the slave, if we believe so. And as long as you peek for an outcome to your liking you will be gravely disappointed sooner or later, once the tide is up against you. What you can do is to enjoy the dance of the practice, learning to be you."

"This was just too much, too soon", he said, staring out to the horizon.

"What you will do now is of the greatest importance because this will decide which side you are going to strengthen."

"I know, I know. This is such a bullshit game."

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