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Although I cannot enter your realm, I have means to influence the actions in your world.

So, it may seem a coincidence from the outside that both Jason and Cassiopeia spent time with their parents.

It always makes me smile, when travelers think that what they consider as synchronicities are a rare phenomenon, when they are all there is.

Most humans are not aware of their dreams. Neither do they remember them. Thus it is simple to talk to them, once they come here, and convince them that it is their idea to do certain things.

Jason's parents were willing anyways, whereas Cassiopeia's mother took me more effort. What always works with humans is to make them feel guilty for something they have not done.

The ego is our friend here because it is so fatuous. You can fool it very easily into any behaviour you want. Out of pride, greed, wish for status, loyalty, the feeling of not being enough or even a distorted version of love.

I wanted Jason and Cassiopeia to return to their parents to connect again with their roots. You cannot become whole by leaving parts of your self in the dark or somewhere out of your reach.

If all humans knew that it is only themselves they fear, maybe they would go mad or understand and let go.

Cassiopeia had already understood that this was all just a game. So with her it was more about finding whrere her starting point was.

With Jason it was very different indeed. He still had to learn that there was nothing to win or lose, that there was no right or wrong, and that effort was like the least effective technique you could try. He just had to find out that everything was alright the way it was.

You see. That was the perfect fit. No coincidence there.

And there was sweet Una. Honing her craft. She was blooming like a rose. It was a pleasure to watch her evolve.

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