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The instant I entered the living room of my apartment that was drowning in wedding magazines, I knew I was in trouble.

And when Abby, the woman who thought that she was going to be my wife, looked at me like she would burst with ideas, I was really fucked.

Don't get me wrong. Everything was perfect. I had anything that everybody dreamed of. The great job, a wonderful partner, many friends, a cool apartment in Brooklyn.

But for weeks it had begun to dawn on me, that having was part of my problem.

It all began when I overheard Abby talking on the phone to her best friend about how she was looking forward to having her own kids.

At first I didn't get it. But after being an asshole for the rest of the day, and a sleepless night later, I started to think. And from this moment on, I couldn't stop it anymore.

Wherever I went, whatever I did, I had this ever present sense of meaninglessness that was screaming at me in its silent voice.

Now there she was. Ready to explode with all these ideas that would take her closer to her dreams.

I was about to cry. Abby became aware of it, and she thought that these were tears of happiness. And that finished me off.

I was devastated. I bawled like a baby. Slowly, Abby realized that somebody was stealing away her future. That's when her mood began to turn upside down.

All the energy of her previous joy was consumed by a surge of rage that hit me with hands that I had only known as tender and subtle.

The punches and kicks she delivered were the last physical contact we would ever share.

When Abby slammed the door of our relationship forever, I knew I had to wake up from this dream called life.

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