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I was such a victim. I had been a victim before. But now I consciously craved being a pathetic loser, so that everybody, even those folks who had no idea who I was, could immediately see the misery I was in.

I dipped into the full range of using substances after I had been abusing Abby as my excuse for not taking responsibility.

I really got off the rail, which got me fired, losing my friends and even the support from my family. I was just lucky that I could live off the money I had saved in the time I pretended to be a functioning member of society.

In the weeks to follow I had no idea whether it was day or night, or whether I was dreaming or being awake. Everything got mingled up.

Until the day I woke up in my own feces. That was the absolute lowlight of the glorious 27 years of my life.

I felt so ashamed and embarrassed of myself that I couldn't even look into the mirror for a week. But what I could do, was to clean up the whole mess that I was.

That's when I started to read. It was on my way to the grocer's that I saw this little bookshop at the corner. It was called "2nd Chance". I guess that was the reason I stumbled into it.

With the hood over my head and all the display of my recent lifestyle I must have looked like a wannabe robber. But the young woman standing behind the counter just offered me the sunniest and heartwarming smile.

It gave me this uneasy and warm feeling at the same time. Then, as I tried to orientate myself and I turned around, she scared the shit out of me, standing suddenly so close as if she wanted to kiss me or something.

Instead she just said, "Hello sweetie! This your first time?" Before I even knew what she meant, she went on, "It's always the same. I can see it. You are looking for something you don't know."

While I was trying to back away from her, she leaned forward, as if she wanted to whisper something into my ear, reaching out with her left hand, until she got hold of something.

It was a book. She shoved it between our faces, adding, "Here you are!"

"How To Wake up from Your Dreams!" it said on the cover.

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