UNA #9

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"Have you seen a ghost? Or Kylie Jenner? Or the ghost of Kylie?" Cass said, shaking with her typical laughter that she couldn't control, and that was always mingled with grunts, like I was sitting next to a joking piglet.

I was desperately trying to tell myself, "I'm not a girl! I'm not a girl!". But it felt not more convincing than an old Britney song.

Cass kept babbling on and on. Until I couldn't hold it anymore.

"STOP!" I heard myself yell at the top of my voice.

And that's what happened. Everything froze instantly, even Cass's face, with a very funny expression.

I gazed around. Everything looked unreal. I felt this slow sensation dawning on me. It was like a moment of clarity taking my hand to show me something.

I saw myself standing with countless others. We were of the same tribe. Eldion stood next to me. He looked at me and without moving his lips he whispered to me, "Show her the way!"

I blinked and saw Cass's face with this worried look, saying something I wasn't able to understand.

But what I did understand was that everything I had thought was my life, was more or less hers. My mom, my dad, everything.

So I knew that my "life" wasn't about me, but about Cass, and that everything we said and did, and everything I felt as being mine, was in fact hers.

I also sensed that it had to do with what she did, when she wasn't here with me, in this world, but somewhere else. That had to be the reason why Eldion called her a traveller.

I wanted to tell her. However, I knew that it was too early. I had to know more.

Therefore I started to laugh, telling Cass that I had just fallen into a coma, because my brain had preferred to be dead than to listen to her "exciting" stories.

Together we walked into a classroom. But it wasn't until I had sat down, that I recognized the person next to me: It was my friend, the kidnapper.

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