The Diary of a Little Sister!

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"This diary is interesting," Melvinborg said as he put down the diary he had read. Hazel's. "I want Hazel to get mad."

A mad Hazel means that she turns into one of those monsters. And what better way to turn Hazel mad than to turn everyone on her? Too bad Hazel is too busy going on a treasure hunt with Cash. Oh wait. I can tell her friends lies to make them angry...

And tell lies he did. He told George and Harold that Hazel hated comics, he told Jessica that Hazel thought her hair was lame, he told Dressy that Hazel hated music, and so on...

When Hazel came back from the treasure hunt, she saw a bunch of kids giving her stares that could kill an elephant.

She just glared at them and walked back, cursing under her breath.

When Melvinborg saw an ink monster, he thought he was dreaming.

But he wasn't.

That monster was Hazel.

Then he was swallowed by it.

The next thing Melvinborg knew, he was on Jack Yacht, and Cash was looking at him.

The cyborg was covered in ink.

When he looked at the sky, Melvinborg saw Captain Underpants and the ink monster (Hazel?) fighting. Both had jetpacks on.

"Captain Underpants, you could actually hurt my sister, you know?!" Melvinborg cried out at him.

Captain Underpants didn't reply.

The fight looked bad, so something here and now had to happen for Hazel to become normal again.

And then that something happened.

Melvinborg only had a split second to grasp what was happening before Hazel's jetpack exploded.


The jetpack was in pieces.

Hazel couldn't hold on and went sailing through the air with a screech.

"HAZEL!" Melvinborg and Cash screamed, at the exact same moment that George and Harold shouted, "CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!" Apparently the same thing happened to him.

"Cash, what the hell man?!" Melvinborg yelled.

"Me?!" he countered. "I didn't do that! I didn't make the jetpacks explode!"

Both Hazel and Captain Underpants were hurdling through the air, tumbling head over feet, and arms and legs at all angles. They were swiftly descending, and were on a collision course for the ground. They needed something to cushion the blow, something bouncy or soft or anything that wouldn't make them a red smear on the grass.

Melvinborg watched as the two grew increasingly closer to hitting the ground, and he had the presence of mind to realize that they were, coincidentally, shockingly, flying right for Plummet Peak.

Then, they crashed.

They impacted. Their momentum caused them to plow right through the snow, and they ended up deep enough that Melvinborg actually lost track of which trail of snow belonged to who. Then they stopped.

Cash and Melvinborg were dead silent, trying to process what happened. Then, Melvinborg remembered himself. "SISTER!" he screeched and, without another word, dove in the water.

The only thing on his mind was Hazel's safety. Was she hurt? Was anything broken? How was she feeling, covered in the snow like that? It probably wasn't as much as the amount of garbage Melvinborg had been under, but he was terrified for her nonetheless. He knew he'd be scared out of her mind if that had happened to him.

Krupp he was scared for as well. Sure, he was sturdier than Hazel, and had probably suffered far worse, but that was still a dangerous thing to have happen to you.

Just as Melvinborg pulled himself onto the sand, the sound of a car horn grabbed his attention. "What the-" he started, and turned around in time to see Cash, George and Harold skid to a halt in a jeep.

"Hop in, kid!" he commanded, beckoning him with his hand. "We'll get there faster this way!"

He wasted no time leaping into the backseat, and the second he got the seatbelt on Cash sped off once more. Please be alright, please be alright, he repeated in his head. George and Harold didn't say a word from the front seat as they drove, but Melvinborg could tell by their body language that they were just as nervous as he was.

Eventually, they reached Plummet Peak.

And there, not too far off in the distance, were both Krupp and Hazel, back to normal, covered in snow, and trying to stand up.

Melvinborg gasped, and the moment the boat came to a stop he ripped his seatbelt off and bolted over to Hazel. "Are you okay?!" he yelled, falling to his knees and proceeding to help her up.

Hazel coughed, and a large amount of mushy snow flew out of her mouth. "I-I've been better," she said weakly. "That was... Oof. That was something else."

"I'm sorry," Melvinborg quickly said. "I'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have read your stupid diary! You're, like, not actually seriously hurt are you?"

"Help me up," Hazel said after a second. Melvinborg supported her as she stood, fretting all the while. She was wobbly, yes, and now that he had a better view of her he could see several bruises on her face, likely from where she had been punched by Captain Underpants. But after letting go and standing on his own, it was obvious Hazel wasn't going to fall over anytime soon. "I... think I'm okay."

"Oh thank God," Melvinborg sighed in relief.

That night, Melvinborg looked at himself in the mirror.

I think I'm going to stop bullying Hazel. But I need to change myself. Not just mentally, but appearance wise, too.

He gave himself a look over, at his tattered and messy yellow shirt, at the way his bowtie probably was stained a disgusting shade of brown from the mud that he wasn't able to properly wash out, to the damp patches after being dunked in and splashed with water one too many times. Melvinborg was just about to start feeling self-conscious when another thought came to him.

The first thing is the appearance changing thing. And I have an idea for that.

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