The Strange Strife of the Smelly Socktopus!

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[Episode begins]

Narrator: This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins. George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flat top, Harold is the one on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut. Remember that now. Also, they're late for school.

Harold: What!? Oh, man!

[Theme Song plays]

George and Harold: The Strange Strife of the Smelly Socktopus!

George: Uh, Erica, what are you doing? You know we have school today, right?

Erica Wang: Not me. I got... suspended.

[George gasps]

Harold: Whoa. Why?

Erica: Y'know... stuff.

Harold: 'Stuff'?

[Fanfare as the word 'Stuff' appears on screen]

Harold: Yeah. [Chuckles] Stuff is crazy.

George: But you don't look like you're suspended. You look like you're on vacation.

Erica: I know. [Slurps out of a coconut] They lied to us. Being suspended is great! Check out this montage of stuff I've done!

[Someone sings as it plays a montage of Erica doing cool stuff]

Singer: ♪Roller coaster Tuesday!♪

♪And ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!♪

♪Wednesday hit the slopes!♪

♪With ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!♪

♪Rodeo on Thursday!♪

♪But mainly ice cream!♪

[Montage ends]

Harold: That's a lot of ice cream.

George: You did all that?

Erica: I'm suspended. I can do whatever I want.

George: Maybe we should get suspended!

Erica: [Scoffs] You do don't have what it takes to get suspended.

Harold: What? We got suspended yesterday!

[Scene cuts to George and Harold stuck on the Treehouseladder]

George: Help! We're suspended in our rope ladder and not on purpose!

Harold: Me too!

[Scene cuts back]

Erica: No. Suspended from school.

George: Oh. Well, we'll see about that! [Takes a bit of Erica's ice cream]

[Erica squeezes the cone, causing another ice cream scoop to appear]

Harold: Seriously, where are you getting all that ice cream?

[Light music]

Robot Butler: Master George and Master Harold, your sky treehouse is now capable of space flight as you requested.

Harold: Thank you, Robot Butler.

Robot Butler: Would you like me to carry you in?

George: Do you have to ask?

[Robot Butler shrinks his arms, creating stools that George and Harold sit on]

Harold: I can't believe our suspension is almost over, George.

George: I know. We did a lot in three days. Erica was so wrong.

Harold: We had exactly what it took to get suspended.

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