The Harmful Horrors of the Harrowing Hiveschool!

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"We never should have injected the teachers with bee DNA!" Melvin screamed.

The school was a mess. Honey was everywhere, and bee mutants were too.

"Better question: why did we give her too much bee DNA?" Melvinborg lamented. "Now she's become Queen Zombee!"

"Oh, dear," Melvin suddenly said in worry.

"What's wrong?" Melvinborg asked.

"They got your sister."

"Wait, what?"

He looked at his future self grimly. "They turned Hazel into a zombee."

Melvinborg would admit, he hadn't really noticed. But his past self was right. His sister was nowhere to be seen.

The zombees attacked, alright. Thankfully, Melvinborg pressed a button, and a trapdoor opened beneath him, Krupp, George, Harold and his past self.

It was... normal at first. They were standing on the ground.

And then they were falling.

"AAAAAAHHHH!" Everyone screamed as they were lifted up from the ground and hung in the air. Then the first impact came, slamming everyone back down, followed by the next, and then next. Melvinborg for the life of him couldn't tell which way was up or down after a few seconds, and more than once he collided with one of the others, but with who was anyone's guess.

Soon enough, the falling stopped, and Melvinborg laid on Krupp as part  of a five-person dogpile. Everyone attempted to pick themselves back up in between the groaning.

"Did we all make it out okay?" George asked.

"Yes. As for where the fuck we are," Krupp said. "I might be able to tell if you guys get off of me."

"Oh, crap, sorry," Melvin cried out, and everyone scrambled to get off.

They were in a tunnel under Melvinborg's office - a tunnel that was going to take them to downtown Piqua - or Mexico, according to Melvin, if things got hairy.

Melvinborg put on a flashlight, and they walked down the tunnel.

But the tunnel was blocked with honeycomb!

"We'll have to zircle back," Melvinborg said.

"And zwiftly!" Melvin added.

The boys and Krupp would have done so if not for obvious reasons. Something was wrong.

"Uh, what's with all the zs?" Harold asked.

"Yeah, you sound like the zombees!" George pointed out.

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