The Bad Beat of the Blah Borelock!

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This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flattop.

Harold is on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut.

Remember that, now, because they are dangling 7,843 feet off the ground.

Rockrobatics is way easier than I thought it'd be.

Yeah, it's like riding a bike, but on a rock.

Help! I'm too sweaty for rock climbing! I'm slippery when wet! Don't worry, Stanley! We'll show you the ropes.

-Pun intended.



No! You're swinging in with too much confidence! -We got this.

-Oops! I got him! No, I don't! Sweaty palms.

[Stanely falls past Melvinborg and Hazel, the two siblings scaling the side of the cliff, too. They look back over their shoulders to watch the sweaty boy fall with blank and confused looks.]

Sophie One, like, catch him! Other Sophie, why can't you catch? Right through my fingers! Gotta grab him like a marlin.

Yay! Thanks.

I thought I was a goner.

So George and Harold make comic books - We're cool! - Me, too! Now they're summering at summer camp And Mr.

Krupp is, too Once they used the hypno-ring And first they made him dance Then accidentally, kinda on purpose Turned him into Captain Underpants Tra-la-la! With a snap, he's the Captain Flying through the trees And don't forget when he gets wet You're sure to feel the squeeze! Put it all together What could possibly go wrong? Now this is the end Of the Captain Underpants song! -By George Beard and Harold Hutchins - Tra-la-camp! The Bad Beat of the Blah Borelock.

Chapter 1: Curve Fall.

George and Harold are now 7,000 feet above the ground.

Make that 6,000.

Make that 5,000.

You get it.

-I never got to drive a car! -I never had a tuna melt! We had them for lunch yesterday! -Bo ate, like, 13 of them.

-Oh, yeah.

Kinda fishy.

[As she fell, Hazel was hoping for something to cushion the blow. Something bouncy or soft or anything that wouldn't make her a red smear on the grass.]

Hazel: (singing) We're falling on a sunny, sunny day. Hit the ground we may!

Melvinborg: NO! I-I'M TOO SMART TO DIE! I've never gotten Melvin into Elitinati!

Hazel: And I've never watched every episode of The Ghost And Molly McGee!

Yeah , Hazel's mind then thought between the images of her grisly death, I still have plenty to do! Hmmm... I wonder what everyone else wants to do before they die. I think there was a Total Drama World Tour musical number about that...

As Hazel struggled to remember the lyrics to 'Before We Die', if not just to distract herself from her impending doom, everything froze.

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