The Costly Conundrum of the Calamitous Claylossus!

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[Episode begins]

Narrator: This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins. George is on the left with the tie and the flattop, Harold is the one on the right with the t-shirt and the bad haircut. Remember that now. Also, they like to think outside the box.

George: Y'know what would be awesome?

Harold: A gorilla lawyer?

[Scene quickly cuts to Gorilla Lawyer]

Announcer: Last week on Gorilla Lawyer! Simian at law!

Gorilla: [Clears throat] [Gorilla noises]

[Scene cuts back to George and Harold]

George: Yes, but I was thinking more like Captain Underpants action figures.

Harold: That would be awesome! But how are we gonna make toys?

George: Yea, thats a problem.

[People whimper, loud thud]

Harold: Do you feel something?


Harold: They must have just seen the lunch menu.

Melvin Sneedly: Bo Hweemuth is on a rampage! Run! Hide! Scream! Do all three! BO HWEEMUTH!

[More screaming and crashing]

Gooch Yamaguchi: Ah! He's a monster! We're all gonna die!

Dressy Killman: And that's the good news! [Sings] Newsssssss!

George: Bo Hweemuth!

[George and Harold scream and run]

[Theme Song plays]

George and Harold: The Costly Conundrum of the Calamitous Claylossus!

Narrator: Bo is a student at Jerome Horwitz Elementary about whom little was known. He spent most of his school days alone in the old, abandoned ceramics studio.

Mr. Krupp: Nice work, Sneedly. Those kids ran like guppies from a hungry shark.

Melvin: My pleasure, sir. Happy to terrify those peons. That's why I built the Faker Quaker 2000.

[Faker Quaker 2000 whirrs]

Mr. Krupp: Right. Scared children are good children. [Reverberating] Fear is our friend and fright makes right!

[Scene zooms out to puppet George and Harold reacting]

George: I mean, that is just--

Harold: -So wrong.

George: Can't even.

Harold: Yeah.

[Scene cuts back to Mr. Krupp and Melvin, whom are not puppets]

Mr. Krupp: And nothing scares them more than Bo Hweemuth, so keep it up!

Melvin: And you've written a recommendation letter for me to Eliteanati Academy...

[Bright choral tone as the scene zooms in on a newspaper for Eliteanati Academy]

Melvin: ...Correct?

Mr. Krupp: Ha! Of course. Almost done... I'd never lie to a child. ...By the way, those glasses make you look tall.

Melvinborg: Krupp would lie !

Narrator: Why is Krupp working with Melvin to make everyone terrified of Bo? Well...

[Scene cuts to a flashback of earlier. Melvinborg, wearing a lab coat, walks into his science room.]

Melvinborg: Ah, the joys of being president of the science club in the future. Maybe I'll see my past self...

A Cyborg in TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ