The Worrisome Wedge of the Water Warmongers!

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At the end of last season, George and Harold wound up with some surprising news.

Powerful stuff.

Welcome to Chattin' Pants.

I'm your host, Rap Talkwell, and with me tonight are the two and only George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

George is on the left with the tie and flattop.


-Harold is on the right -with the T-shirt and the bad haircut.

-Hi-- Wait.

Is that how people know me? Last time we saw you, you two were finally heading to summer camp.

But George was on a bus going to Camp Lake Summer Camp, and Harold was on another bus going to Lake Summer Camp Camp! How does that make you feel? -Gotta say, Rap, we're not happy.

-Me, too.

Tra-la-la! Hey! It's Captain Underpants! The My Hammy Sound Machine.

Man, that never gets old! What about my big cliffhanger? There's only room for one captain on this ship, Baboonbeard.

And that's-- Whoa, whoa! No! Ah! -That didn't happen.

-Oh, no? Then who's this guy? - Ah! - No! Whoa! -We'll be right back! -Come on! So George and Harold make comic books - We're cool! - Me, too! Now they're summering at summer camp And Mr.

Krupp is, too -Blah, blah, blah! - Once they used the hypno-ring And first they made him dance Then accidentally, kinda on purpose Turned him into Captain Underpants Tra-la-la! With a snap, he's the Captain Flying through the trees And don't forget when he gets wet - You're sure to feel the squeeze! -Blah! Put it all together What could possibly go wrong? Now this is the end Of the Captain Underpants song! - By George Beard and Harold Hutchins - Tra-la-camp! The Worrisome Wedge of the Water Warmongers! Chapter 1: Weepaway Camp.

George and Harold were headed to different camps, making this the worst summer of their lives.

I can't believe I have to be here instead of indoors, safe from the sun's rays.

And what's this burning sensation in my lungs? It's the clean mountain air.

- Air! It's a nightmare! I'll never forgive you for this, Mother! Now put my trunk in my quarters!

[Melvinborg and Hazel exit, Hazel holding a can of air refresher.]


This is so exciting!


Yes, it is. It's exciting.

[Melvinborg tilts his head.]


What is that air refresher?


That? Yeah, it's strawberry and rose scented. Personal favorite. I have a habit of buying cans of air refresher, though I haven't been using them as much as of late.



Ah, roses and strawberries. The pinnacle of siblinghood.

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