Scavenger Hunt Horror!

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This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flattop.

Harold is the one on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut.

Remember that, now, but quietly, because they're raiding Krupp's cabin for the snacks he confiscated from the kids' care packages.

One for me, one for me.

One for me, one for me.

One for me, one for me! Ooh, ah! Aha, the Motherload! My Motherload candy bar.

Man, Krupp swiped everything.

Yeah, here's my Everything candy bar.

And all the other snacks Krupp jacked from the kids.

He even took those weird chips that got recalled in that chip scandal.

Try Fishy Chips' newest flavor, Low Tide! Uh, were flavor mistakes made? Yes.

All right, let's pack this stuff up and get out of here before Krupp-- We're not doing what it looks like we're doing, though we are.

-Wait a sec.

He's sleepwalking.

-We're doing this, right? Oh, not again.

Did you do this? So George and Harold make comic books - We're cool! - Me, too! Now they're summering at summer camp And Mr.

Krupp is, too -Blah, blah, blah, blah! - Once they used the hypno-ring And first they made him dance Then accidentally, kinda, on purpose Turned him into Captain Underpants Tra-la-la! With a snap, he's the Captain Flying through the trees And don't forget, when he gets wet - You're sure to feel the squeeze! -Blah, blah, blah! Put it all together What could possibly go wrong? Now this is the end Of the Captain Underpants song! - By George Beard and Harold Hutchins - Tra-la-camp! Chapter 1: One Man's Stash is Another Man's Treasure.

Ah! I've been snack-jacked! Somebody swiped the snacks I swiped! Ah! Ah! Hurry up and eat, everyone.

Do we have to eat it all now? No evidence, no crime.

"What cupcake, Your Honor?" Case dismissed! This was a sweet score, but camp wasn't supposed to go like this.

Yeah, it was supposed to be nonstop camp action-- fishing, horse climbing, scavenger hunts.

Ooh! We're the sultans of scavenge.

It's time we had a talk with Krupp.

-Boo! Scavenger hunt! -Ah! -What? -We want a scavenger hunt.

Absolutely not! What's a scavenger hunt? You give us a list of fun stuff to find, and we find it.

'Cause we're the skippers of seek.

What? Absolutely not! That takes care of that.

You got it all wrong, man.

What are you talking about, Lazy Krupp? This is a way to get them to do all our work, man.

We make a list and they make it happen, man.

The snacks, the cabin, the whole enchilada, man.

Huh And by absolutely not, I mean yes.

-Silence! -Uh no one's talk-- Today we're having a scavenger hunt! Both camps will get a list.

You're gonna find everything on it, and it's gonna be the best hunt ever! Or a "Buntver.

" Copyright, Krupp Corp.

That's not how copyrights work.


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