The Sickening Fumes of Smartsy Fartsy!

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This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flat top.

Harold is the one on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut.

-[bell dings.]

-Remember that now.

-What's up with Krupp's eyebrows? -Shh, I think they can hear us.

-Wait, are those happy eyebrows? -You bet your sweet patooty! Just 24 more office visits until you're expelled! Isn't it great? Twenty-four? We're so not worried.

We got plenty of runway.

-[bell dings.]

-That's 484! [laughs.]

-We're really burning up runway.

-Maybe we should slow our prank roll.

-[bell dings.]

-And that's 491! [laughs.]

We should definitely slow our prank roll.

-[bell dings.]

-Yes, 497! [laughs.]

Why didn't we slow our prank roll? So George and Harold make comic books -We're cool! -Me, too! But they had a mean old principal Who told them what to -Blah, blah, blah, blah.

- So they got a hypno-ring And first, they made him dance Then, accidentally, kinda on purpose Turned him into Captain Underpants Tra-la-la! With a snap, he's the Captain Not the brightest man And don't forget, when he gets wet - You're back where you began span style="style1"/-Blah, blah, blah.

Put it all together What could possibly go wrong? Now this is the end Of the Captain Underpants song - By George Beard and Harold Hutchins - Tra-la-la! -What is wrong with us? -Live by the prank, die by the prank.

True that.

But we got to find a way to stay occupied and out of trouble or we're gonna get expelled.

How? It's not like an idea's gonna smack us in the face.

[both groan.]

Sorry, I'm giving a Tomorrow Talk on T-shirt cannons and it went off by accident.

"Tomorrow Talks, educational speeches about future stuff.

" Wow, that's an informative T-shirt.


When is it? -Tomorrow.

Ow! Harold, this is how we stay busy.

We'll do a Tomorrow Talk.

[upbeat music playing.]

Our Tomorrow Talk today is about something that will change your life.

-Tell them what it is, Harold.

-Um [stutters.]

It's something so amazing and so great, you won't believe it.

-Go ahead, George.

-It's something so incredible, only Harold can do it justice.

Oh, just thinking about it leaves me speechless, which is why I'll let George take it from here.

-Hmm Or not.

-Yeah, not.

You oxygen thieves aren't qualified to talk about today, let alone tomorrow.

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