Chapter 51: The Russian Mafia

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Vienna's POV

"Vienna! What the fuck was that!?" David exclaimed in absolute horror as we stepped outside after he asked if he could talk to me for a moment.

"What?" I frowned at him.

"What!?" He repeated my question in disbelief.

"I'm talking about what Scar just said" He explained and I couldn't help but roll my eyes realizing what he meant.

"Oh come on, David, not you too" I shook my head at him.

"Vienna, how the fuck are you so relaxed? Have you hit your head or something?" He asked in disbelief.

"Ryan will kill you if he finds out about this" He added.

"I won't be able to hide this from him. He's already fucking pissed at me" He shook his head, talking to himself, panicked.

"Fuck! Why did I even come here in the first place?" He ran a hand through his perfectly set hair.

"If I hadn't been here, I wouldn't have found out about this and wouldn't be stuck in this situation" He added.

"And what I don't get is..." He paused with a heavy sigh.

"How could you? Vienna" He continued in an accusing tone.

"I mean you have known that Ryan is alive since quite a while's not like you didn't know that he's alive a couple of days back when you..." He trailed off.

"I still can't believe you did this to him...even after knowing that he's alive" He shook his head in disappointment.

"Fuck! I don't even want to imagine what he would do if he finds out about this" He added as I just stared at him with my hands folded over my chest, with a bored look on my face.

"Are you done?" I asked sarcastically.

"Don't worry, David, Ryan already knows about it" I said a moment later as he looked flabbergasted, his eyes going wide in shock.

"He does?" He mumbled.

"How the fuck has he not..." He said in disbelief, only to be interrupted by me.

"Not killed me or that man yet?" I completely it for him.

"Yeah" He mumbled, confused.

"Because he, himself, was the one in that room with me" I replied, hoping he could understand what I meant without me having to go into the details.

He stared at me for a moment before realization flashed through his eyes and he mumbled an "Oh".

"Yeah, now you know" I shook my head at him.

"You really thought that I would ever cheat on him? David" I asked, disappointed.

"I would never do that...even if he was really dead" I stated and was just about to walk off when he held my hand.


"I'm's just that when Scar said that, all I could think about was how this would make Ryan feel...and it just never occurred to me that this was obviously a misunderstanding" He continued with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, David" I gave out a short reply.

"But aren't you guys like always fighting ever since he returned back after the whole fake death thing" David pointed out a moment later.

"So how the fuck did you two..." He continued.

"David!" I snapped, interrupting him as my cheeks turned crimson red realization what he meant. I slapped his arm playfully while he just grinned at me.

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