Chapter 43: I belong to you

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Vienna's POV

The next few days were tough, living under the same roof with Ryan was not easy at all...especially when my pregnancy hormones were driving me crazy as at times I felt like just forgetting everything and forgiving him and just let myself fall in the safety of his arms...but there were also moments when I couldn't even stand his mere existence.

And not to forget, the sexual tension between us was getting thicker by each passing day but as I had sworn to myself that I would be careful and in control around him, I didn't give into my desires as much as I wanted to...but I don't know how long I'll be able to do so.

It feels like I'm always on the verge of saying 'fuck it' and giving into my desires whenever he is around, which is all the time by the way, and the worst part is that...he knows that too.

And to top it all of, we have been sleeping in the same room ever since he came back and it takes everything inside me to not jump his bones.

I did try to make him leave, but he just wouldn't budge...I even tried leaving, myself, when I was sure that he wasn't going anywhere but he wouldn't let me leave too.

And the most difficult part in all of this chaos morning sickness, which isn't just limited to morning by the way, I mean who was the genius who named it 'morning sickness?'.

Anyways, as I was morning sickness isn't just limited to morning, I feel nauseous every time I try eating something and it gets really difficult to hide that from Ryan. He even caught me throwing up once again and was so adamant about taking me to the doctor's or even calling the doctor home if I was comfortable, and it took everything in me to convince him that I was fine and didn't need a doctor.

But I know Ryan, he is a smart man, one day or the other he'll figure it out on his own and honestly I am surprised that he hasn't yet...maybe his brain his too preoccupied with his revenge fantasies to even think of the possibility that I could be pregnant.

But anyways, ever since that second time when he caught me throwing up, I avoid eating with him around me.

I sighed...I don't know how long I'll be able to hide this from him...well he'll obviously find out once I start showing, but I guess before that happens, I'll have to tell him because regardless of what the circumstances are between us right now, the fact still remains intact that this child is his and he deserves to know about him or her.

"A penny of your thoughts?" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Ryan's voice.

"Nothing that concerns you" I replied plainly as he walked towards the couch that I was half lying on.

"Liar" He mumbled before lifting my legs off the couch slightly and taking a seat there, he placed my legs over his lap.

I exhaled a sharp breath knowing that it was no use telling him to let go off my legs. Bringing the book that I was holding up to my face so that he wouldn't be able to see my face, I sighed once again as I felt him massaging my feet gently.

"Stop that right now!" I said sternly without moving the book as he did stop but remained silent, which was odd and unlike the Ryan that I knew.

Bringing the book down slightly, I peaked at him.

"You know it breaks my heart every time you talk to me like that" He said in an unusually low tone which made me keep the book in my hand aside.

"But don't think, even for a second, that your bitter and hateful comments are gonna make me give up" He added with a grin before beginning to massage my feet once again as I glared at him with a heavy sigh, but deep down I was enjoying the free massage.

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