Chapter 47: He was hurt!

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Vienna's POV

Turning to my side in sleep, I almost groaned upon not finding the warmth of his body or his arms wrapped around me anymore.

"Ryan..." I whined in my sleep while opening my eyes slightly, only to find him sitting on the other side of the bed, with a laptop on his lap, which he seemed to be way too focused on with a frown on his face.

Moving over to him, I threw an arm over his waste, making him look down at me, surprised.

Yeah I know I'm mad at him for what he did and always fighting with him, but his arms are the only place where I get to have the best sleep of all time and I'm very sleepy right now.

Smiling down at me, he placed his hand on my head and caressed my hair gently before quickly averting his eyes from me and back to the laptop screen. I could tell that the smile was fake, which made me wonder what was so important? Or what was it that was bothering him? That he had to force a smile to me.

Deciding to leave that conversation for later, I closed my eyes once again and snuggled my face into him as he continued caressing my hair, driving me back to deep slumber.

The next time that I woke up that morning, was to Ryan's voice, which, I could tell that he was trying hard to keep low but yet I heard him.

Glancing around I found him pacing around in our room, with a phone pressed against his ears as he yelled at the person on the other end, making me feel pity for whoever it was. I know his anger and I would definitely never want to be at the receiving end of it.

He seemed mad.

"I don't fucking care! David! I want him front of me...right hour is all that you have" Ryan growled.

Nah, I was wrong...he wasn't just mad...he was furious! May God be with the person who's at the receiving end of his wrath this time.

I already feel sorry for the poor guy.

I sat up, pulling the quilt over me as my eyes followed his impatient, restless figure that was pacing back and forth and couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on?

"As I said, David, I don't care how long the flight from Canada to Russia takes. I don't give a flying fuck how you do it but an hour is all you have!" Ryan hung up before throwing his phone at the wall before him, followed by a series of curses and that suddenly got me worried.

My ears perked up at the mention of Canada and that was when I knew...I knew that whatever it was that has gotten him all worked up, has everything to do with me.

I remained a silent observer as he ran his hand through his already messed up hair, which told me that he has been doing that every and then. I gulped nervously as his gaze fell on me.

"W-What's wrong? Ryan" I asked, my voice coming out way too timid than I would like to admit.

He stared at me for a moment. I could tell that, for some reason, he was furious at me but yet held back all his rage within himself before giving me a one word reply.


He huffed out a sigh before averting his gaze off me.

"Ryan, you're scaring me, just tell me what is it?" I asked.

"I don't want you worrying about it, Vienna" He replied without looking at me. Ah! There he goes, calling me by my name again, which proves that whatever it is, it's one hundred percent related to me.

"Ryan..." I called out, worried.

"Vienna! You're pregnant. I don't wanna stress you about unnecessary stuff right now..." He paused.

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