Chapter 50: A bleeding nose

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Vienna's POV

"I'll get that" He turned around and so did I at the same time, as I decided to leave for my room, only to see a very pissed off Ryan glaring at David.

Oh God! No!

Why does he has such bad timings always!?

"Ryan. Man, I'm sorry for..." David began with a hint of hesitance in his voice, only to be cut off by Ryan, who stepped forward and threw a punch right at David's face as a result of which he stumbled back a little, obviously because he wasn't expecting that. Ryan caught him completely off guard.

My hands instantly came rising up, slamming against my mouth as I gasped, shocked.

"Oh my God! David" I exclaimed stepping forward as he held his now, bleeding nose.

"Are you okay? Shit! Your nose is bleeding" I added, worried as I examined his nose.

"Yeah, I can tell" David replied.

"You keep the news of your pregnancy from him and he does nothing to you, I do the same and I get rewarded with a bleeding nose" He added humorously, amusing me for how could he joke around even in such serious situation where his best friend looks like he would rip his head off any second now.

And what did he say? That Ryan has done nothing to me for keeping this news from him, well then, David my friend, you probably have no idea that he has punished me in a much worse way. I would even say that getting punched in the face is far better than having him cutting all your ties with you. A bleeding nose is way better than the feeling that he doesn't loves you anymore...that he doesn't wants to be with you anymore.

"Stop joking around, David" I scolded, slapping his arm lightly.

"And tell me, are you okay?" I added, concerned.

"I'm okay, Vienna, it's nothing" David replied, waving it off as if it was nothing at all and before I could say anything any further, I heard Ryan's sarcastic laugh.

Snapping my head at him, I asked "What the hell are you laughing at!?"

"Oh. Nothing, I just find it funny that how minutes ago you weren't even willing to talk to him and now all of a sudden you're so concerned about him" Ryan replied.

"Oh. Oh. I get it now. He just told you how he has been hiding the news of your pregnancy from me from the very day that you found out and now that suddenly qualifies him to be your friend once again. You're no longer mad at him for keeping the fact that I was alive from you" He added.

"I get it, that's why you're so concerned for him now" He nodded to himself as I just stared at him in disbelief.

"Are you even listening to yourself!? Ryan!" I snapped back.

"Me being concerned about him has nothing to do with the fact that he didn't tell you about my pregnancy! That's between you two and I'm definitely not getting in the middle of it" I added, shaking my head.

"And just so you know, I'm concerned for him because he's still a friend to me, he's still like a brother to me and will always be, more of all, I'm not inhuman like you" I spat the words as he laughed at my words.

"Ah! So we are down to that now?...I'm even inhuman now. Great!" He replied tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Ryan! Vienna! For fuck's sake! Please stop fighting. It's almost amusing how you two turn me getting punched in the face, into the opportunity of hurting each other once again" David intervened our conversation.

"It's like you two are just looking out for chances to..." He added, only to be cut off by Ryan once again, very rudely if I may add.

"Enough! What we do, what we say to each other, how we hurt each other or how we love each other, is none of your fucking business" He snapped, raising a hand in the air.

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